Sunshine Coast residents looking to make a positive change to their lives this year are being urged to take part in The Lift Project Sunshine Coast, a popular program which starts on February 8.
More than 4000 local residents participated in the 10-week schedule across two rounds last year and registrations are closing soon for the third round of the popular online wellbeing program which is free for all Sunshine Coast residents.
Sunshine Coast Lightning star and program ambassador Cara Koenen said looking after mental and physical wellbeing was crucial to maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
“This past year has been really tough for so many people and for council to offer a free online wellbeing program that’s easy to access and really inspires people to change their lives is such a great initiative,” she said.

Sunshine Coast Council was one of the first organisations to partner with The Lift Project creator and international wellbeing expert Dr Darren Morton.
Community Portfolio Councillor David Law encouraged locals to step out of their comfort zone and sign up.
“This is a wonderful opportunity for people of all ages and abilities to make 2021 one of their best years yet and to draw on positive influences that could impact all aspects of their lives,” Cr Law said.
“Our Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 details how council plays an important role in the support of an active and empowered community.
“The Lift Project Sunshine Coast offers people opportunities to connect and improve their wellbeing.”
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Lessons to help manage stress and anxiety
The 10 lessons are comprehensive and explore the science around that week’s theme.
Lessons are easy to understand and designed to be both fun and educational. They provide strategies to help manage stress and anxiety, better deal with challenges and improve vitality, resilience and life satisfaction.
Once registered and the program commences you receive an email and link to a short video lesson. These come each week for 10 weeks along with a weekly challenge to action what you have learnt. You are encouraged to keep an e-journal.
Your learnings and reflections each week should written and shared with the program’s private Facebook group, your friends and family.
Registrations close on January 31. The program runs from February 8 until 25 April.
For more information visit