The region is set to welcome a new era in local government and a first for the region, with the creation of the Sunshine Coast Youth Council.
Applications are now open for 15-24 year-olds to be part of the group, which is expected to be formed in June.
The opening of applications coincides with Queensland Youth Week, which encourages youth to make a positive contribution to the society they live in.
Young people keen to make a difference in the Sunshine Coast community, while representing their peers, are encouraged to apply for the two-year program that aims to provide them with the opportunity to develop skills in communication, public speaking, leadership, have a voice, raise issues, exchange ideas and learn about local government and community issues.
Sunshine Coast Council Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said the council initiative was a direct action from the Sunshine Coast Council Community Strategy 2019-2041.
“Just 15 spots are up for grabs and I anticipate they will be hotly contested,” Cr Law said.
“It would be terrific to see representation from all Divisions across the Sunshine Coast Local Government area so I encourage all aspiring leaders to apply.
“This will not only look good on their CV but equip them with vital well-rounded skills for the future.
“Our Community Strategy strongly focuses on inclusive communities and actively encouraging young people to have a say in decisions that impact them and establish ways to foster youth leadership.”
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The Youth Council will foster young people’s skills in decision-making processes, while also helping them learn about communication and program development skills; discover a better understanding of the roles and functions of local government; highlight issues and exchange ideas; meet new people; and interact and learn from Sunshine Coast civic leaders.
Sunshine Coast Youth Council meetings will be scheduled monthly. Each meeting will be held for approximately 1.5 hours (4.30-6pm). Outside of meeting times, professional and personal development sessions will also be an expectation for member attendance.
Applications can be made by emailing a cover letter to by Friday, May 7.
The letter should detail: Why you are interested in joining the Youth Council, your particular areas of interest, contact details and age.