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Cash splash: where $268m will be spent on Sunshine Coast and what your suburb is getting

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From park benches to new roads, a massive sports precinct or more landfill, projects both big and small will be coming to life across the Sunshine Coast’s 10 divisions.

Sunshine Coast Council revealed its full $816 million budget on Thursday which included a freeze on rates and the scrapping of a $63.45 early bird discount.

The council earmarked $268 million to spend on capital works in 2021/22, ranging from $2000 for a cricket pitch to $5 million to get started on the Honeyfarm Road Sport and Recreation Precinct in Meridan Plains.

There’s an SS Dicky Memorial Deck, the ‘missing link’ will be completed on the popular Coastal Pathway and the region’s towns will enjoy new community centres and makeovers.

So what will your neighbourhood be getting? The full list is below.


Banya, Baringa, Beerburrum, Beerwah, Bells Creek, Bribie Island North, Caloundra West, Coochin Creek, Corbould Park, Gagalba, Glass House Mountains, Landsborough, Little Mountain, Meridan Plains, Nirimba, Peachester

Planning work will begin on a major civic centre at Bells Creek that will include a plaza , open space and a community facility.

Detailed design will also start with $900,000 towards a significant two-lane upgrade to Johnston Road at Glass House Mountains.

Councillor Rick Baberowski said the landfill site at Bells Creek would get a $5.5 million extension to increase the capacity at the existing facility.

“In addition, $200,000 will be invested in the design of a new Bio Basin at the Caloundra Landfill to ensure the outflowing water quality and will be constructed in subsequent years,” said Cr Baberowski.

“Council will also spend more than $1.3 million to continue upgrading roads across Division 1 in 2021/22.

“We’re also continuing to make great progress on building a truly remarkable network of family-friendly parks and this financial year we’ll see upgrades to facilities at Newell Park, Peace Park and Gowen Drive park at Landsborough.”

Highlights for Division 1:
• $5.5 million to design and construct a new landfill cell at Bells Creek
• $900,000 towards planning and detailed design of Johnston Road upgrade, Glass House Mountains to two lanes
• $250,000 for initial infrastructure at the Bells Creek Sustainability Park
• $200,000 for signage and trail upgrades along the Glass House Mountains Regional Trail
• $200,000 to design the Caloundra Landfill Bio Basin
• $168,325 to resurface Old Gympie Road, Glass House Mountains
• $150,000 towards planning for a major civic centre at Bells Creek
• $140,000 to rehabilitate the bridge on Kings Road, Glass House Mountains
• $100,000 to renew playground equipment and the shelter at Newell Park, Beerwah
• $60,000 to renew the pathway along Pierce Avenue, Caloundra
• $50,000 to widen the road seal along Kings Road, Glass House Mountains
• $50,000 to design widening of Annie Street, Landsborough
• $50,000 to design widening of Burys Road, Beerwah
• $50,000 towards continued delivery of Landsborough Place Making Master Plan
• $30,000 to replace the dive blocks at the Beerwah Aquatic Centre
• $30,000 to design an upgrade to the amenities at QCWA Park, Landsborough
• $30,000 to widen Plantation Road, Glass House Mountains
• $20,000 to repaint the external facade of the Heritage listed Bankfoot House building
• $20,000 to upgrade and seal the service road adjacent to Railway Street, Landsborough
• $15,000 to renew Gowen Drive Park Landsborough Playground
• $10,000 to replace the picnic table at Uniting Park, Glass House Mountains
• $10,000 to re-install bollards at Peace Park, Landsborough
• $8000 to refurbish the ash garden at Beerwah Cemetery
• $5500 to renew the seat at Little Mountain Common, Little Mountain
• $5000 to replace bollards at Corella Park, Landsborough
• $2000 to rectify drainage issues in the playground at Skippy Park, Landsborough
• $2000 to renew playground equipment at Peace Park, Landsborough
• $2000 to renew the old cricket pitch at Canavan Gracie Recreational Park, Caloundra West
• $2000 to renew the vehicle barriers fronting the car park of Little Mountain Common Park.


Battery Hill, Caloundra, Caloundra West, Dicky Beach, Golden Beach, Kings Beach, Little Mountain, Moffat Beach, Pelican Waters, Shelly Beach

Upgrades to the Queen Street, Caloundra intersections, investments at Caloundra Aquatic Centre and Caloundra Regional Tennis Centre and construction of a ‘missing link’ in the Coastal Pathway at Dicky Beach, are among the Sunshine Coast Council 2021/22 Budget highlights for Division 2.

“I’m very pleased to see $1.6 million has been allocated to upgrade two intersections on Queen Street at Ulm Street and Bower Street at Caloundra to address community concerns,” said Divisional Councillor Terry Landsberg.

“These upgrades will improve the safety of this busy stretch of road for residents and visitors.

“Council and Transport and Main Roads have jointly allocated around $1.5 million for the detailed design of the Nicklin Way to Omrah Avenue corridor upgrade in Caloundra.

“The Dicky Beach Precinct Stage 1 project will continue with $280,000 invested to complete the skate park (pictured below) and $100,000 to complete the landscape and pathway works to complement the public amenities building and shelter.

“The SS Dicky propeller will also be installed after being taken off site while stage 1 construction works were undertaken.

“A further $350,000 has been allocated this year, to start construction of the SS Dicky Memorial deck.”

Cr Landsberg said the next stage of the Coastal Pathway would continue from Dicky Beach Park to Sir Leslie Park, Dicky Beach, with $750,000 allocated this year.

“The Coastal Pathway is the Sunshine Coast’s most popular shared pathway extending 73 kilometres from Bells Creek at Golden Beach in the south, to Coolum in the north,” he said.

“I’m also very pleased to see funding allocated to maintaining sports infrastructure in Division 2 including $1.1 million for the Caloundra Aquatic Centre and $600,000 for the Regional Tennis Centre.”

The Caloundra Centre Activation project, which includes the Caloundra, Community and Creative Hub and the refurbishment of Council’s Administration Building to the green star district-level library, continues with a $1.94 million investment.

Highlights for Division 2:

  • $1.5 million (jointly funded with the Department of Transport and Main Roads) for the detailed design of the Nicklin Way to Omrah Avenue corridor upgrade in Caloundra.
  • $1.94 million to continue the Caloundra Centre Activation project and design the Caloundra district library
  • $1.05 million for Caloundra Town Reserve Landscape Plan implementation, including the supply and installation of playground equipment
  • $840,000 to upgrade the Queen Street/Bower Street intersection, Caloundra
  • $840,00 to upgrade the Queen Street/Ulm Street intersection, Caloundra
  • $750,000 to design and construct the Coastal Pathway from Dicky Beach Park to Sir Leslie Wilson Park, Dicky Beach
  • $600,000 to upgrade the Regional Tennis Centre at Caloundra
  • $500,000 for the Columba Place, Pelican Waters Lock
  • $450,000 to replace heat pumps at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $400,000 to renew the main switch board at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $350,000 to construct a SS Dicky Wreck memorial deck at Dicky Beach
  • $280,000 to complete the Dicky Beach Skate Park
  • $275,000 for the Caloundra Centre Activation Project
  • $240,000 for Equipotential Bonding at the Caloundra Aquatic Centre
  • $175,000 to upgrade the Bowman Road Pedestrian Crossing at Caloundra
  • $170,000 to renew five Kings Beach Park barbecue stations
  • $160,000 to replace the Diesel Fire Pump at the Caloundra Bus Interchange
  • $127,000 to design a new section of the Coastal Pathway from Albert Street and around the headland at Kings Beach
  • $100,000 to replace the roof at the Caloundra Indoor sports Stadium
  • $100,000 for the Mountain Bike Facility at the Caloundra Town Reserve
  • $100,000 for further development of the Caloundra Town Reserve Trail
  • $100,000 to complete the current works, which form part of the Dicky Beach Precinct Landscape Plan
  • $100,000 for detailed planning of the Oval Avenue and Gosling Street upgrade at Caloundra
  • $75,000 to renew the Moffat Beach coastal pathway from Beach Access 453 to 457
  • $75,000 to replace 240m of pathway at Moffat Beach foreshore


Aroona, Bokarina, Birtinya, Currimundi, Little Mountain, Meridan Plains, Warana, Wurtulla

The Honeyfarm Road Sport and Recreation Precinct, Kawana Regional Aquatic Centre and parks and gardens are among the winners in Division 3.

“A $5 million injection towards the Honeyfarm Road Sport and Recreation Precinct (pictured) at Meridan Plains is a significant project for Division 3 and the wider Sunshine Coast region,” said Councillor Peter Cox.

“This investment will go towards providing a highly functional regional sports facility which will ultimately include a unique district recreation park for all ages and abilities.

“Council will also spend $550,000 to implement the Kawana Regional Aquatic Centre master plan which will help position the centre as a regional facility to cater for everyone, from Olympic-level coaches and athletes right through to schools, fitness classes, scuba divers and water polo players.

“In addition, there will be more than $210,000 spent during the 2021/22 financial year to improve parks throughout Division 3.

“These upgrades vary from simple seating and barbecue refurbishments to larger playground upgrades and replacements.

“I’m also very pleased to announce we’re contributing another $220,000 to the coastal pathway project to extend the Bokarina-Warana section through to John Hotton Park, Bokarina.”

Highlights for Division 3:

• $5 million to progress the Honeyfarm Road Sports and Recreation Precinct
• $550,000 to implement the Kawana Regional Aquatic Centre Master Plan Report
• $450,000 to design and construct public amenities at Frank McIvor Park and Dorothy Anderson Park with completion in 2023
• $300,000 to prevent and remediate corrosion of Lake Kawana Finishing Tower, Bokarina
• $250,000 to replace existing chiller at Venue 114, Bokarina
• $250,000 to install new lighting along Meridan Way, Meridan Plains
• $220,000 to extend the Bokarina-Warana Coastal Pathway to John Hotton Park, Bokarina
• $200,000 to replace two heat pumps in the 25m pool at Kawana Aquatic Centre
• $200,000 to start design on upgrading Creekside Boulevard and Saffron Drive intersection


Alexandra Headland, Buddina, Maroochydore, Minyama, Mooloolaba, Parrearra, Warana.

A $5.25 million investment to upgrade the Mooloolaba Foreshore northern parkland, a $2.5 million road upgrade at Maroochydore, the continuation of the Maroochy Groyne project and upgrades to parks are among the highlights for Division 4.

“Improving safety for motorists, cyclists and pedestrians, improving facilities and enhancing the lifestyle of residents and businesses remain a strong focus for my division,” said Divisional Councillor Joe Natoli .

“This includes a $24.6 million investment in Stage 2 and 3 of the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade on Brisbane Road (pictured below), inclusive of the $12 million Australian Government funding through the $4 billion Urban Congestion Fund.

“Brisbane Road at Mooloolaba currently carries around 20,000 vehicles per day and this is expected to increase to about 30,000 vehicles per day by 2041.

“Meanwhile, Maroochy Boulevard, Maroochydore, currently carries around 35,000 vehicles per day and this is expected to increase to above 40,000 vehicles per day by 2041.

“To ensure everyone commutes safely on this road, over the coming months council will upgrade the Maroochy Boulevard and Dalton Drive intersection thanks to a $2.5 million investment.

“Funds will be invested in Division 4 parks and playgrounds to help the Sunshine Coast community achieve a healthy, active and sustainable lifestyle.

“Exercise equipment and new playground features will be installed at Mooloolaba, Maroochydore, Buddina and Warana.

“Even fishermen will benefit from this year’s budget with the renewal of the fish table at the Mooloolaba Spit.

“Funding has been allocated to develop a masterplan for the areas encompassing Point Cartwright, La Balsa Park and through to Kawana Surf Club.

“Council will also invest more than $187,000 in new and upgraded stormwater quality infrastructure across Division 4.

“I am also very pleased to announce that $1.1 million will go towards the continuation of the Maroochy Goyne project.

“The next and final stage of the project is scheduled to start in this financial year and will focus on the two southern-most groyne structures and linking wall.”

Another $220,000 will be invested in the coastal pathway to extend the Bokarina-Warana section through to John Hotton Park, Bokarina.

Highlights for Division 4:
• $24.6 million for the Mooloolaba Transport Corridor Upgrade (inclusive of the $12 million Australian Government funding through the $4 billion Urban Congestion Fund)
• $5.25 million for the Northern Parkland upgrade as part of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Revitalisation project.
• $2.5 million to upgrade the intersection at Maroochy Boulevard and Dalton Drive, Maroochydore
• $1.1 million towards continuation of Maroochy Groyne project, Maroochydore
• $437,000 to improve stormwater drainage, including construction of Awinya Court drainage improvements, and design development for improvements in Maroochydore, Buddina, Alexandra Headland and Warana
• $225,000 to upgrade the public amenities at the La Balsa Park boat ramp, Buddina
• $220,000 to extend the Bokarina-Warana Coastal Pathway to John Hotton Park, Bokarina
• $200,000 to upgrade the Kawana Library, Kawana
• $180,000 to develop a master plan for Point Cartwright and La Balsa Park through to Kawana Surf Club, Kawana
• $160,000 to upgrade open space area at Seaforth Park, Maroochydore
• $150,000 to design and construct the Harbour Parade and Point Cartwright Drive Coastal Pathway, Buddina
• $150,000 to upgrade irrigation at the Cotton Tree Park, Maroochydore
• $150,000 to renew shade sails at the Mooloolaba Foreshore Park, Mooloolaba
• $144,000 to replace a section of pathway at Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba
• $130,000 to renew the shelter at Alan Walker Park, Buddina
• $90,000 to install new fitness equipment at Parkyn Parade, Mooloolaba
• $75,000 to renew walking trail at Alex Forest, Alexandra Headland
• $70,000 to install new play equipment at Cotton Tree Park, Maroochydore
• $63,000 to renew dog off leash area fence and infrastructure at Nicklin Way, Warana
• $60,000 to renew the play equipment at Kevin Asmus Park, Buddina
• $60,000 to renew playground at Cotton Tree Neighbourhood Playground, Cotton Tree
• $55,000 to renew the playground at Pierce Park, Buddina
• $30,000 to renew the barbecue near the playground in Coopers Lookout Park, Buddina,
• $30,000 to renew three shelters in Alex Bluff Foreshore Park Maroochydore.
• $18,000 to renew the fish table at the Mooloolaba Spit, Mooloolaba
• $17,000 to upgrade the playground carousel at the Pike Park, Warana


Bald Knob, Balmoral Ridge, Booroobin, Cambroon, Chevallum, Conondale, Crohamhurst, Curramore, Diamond Valley, Elaman Creek, Eudlo, Flaxton, Glenview Hunchy, Ilkley, Kiel Mountain, Landers Shoot, Maleny, Montville, Mooloolah Valley, Mount Mellum, North Maleny, Palmwoods, Palmview Forest, Peachester, Reesville, Tanawha, West Woombye, Witta, Woombye, Wootha.

A $2.32 million road upgrade for Citrus Road, Palmwoods, beautifying Eudlo’s and Woombye’s main streets and improving infrastructure will go ahead in Division 5.

“This budget will deliver upgrades, reseals, lane widening, rehabilitations and bridge improvements to a number of roads including the upgrade of Citrus Road at Palmwoods, Daltons Bridge along Eastern Mary River Road, Cambroon,” said Divisional Councillor Winston Johnston.

“Council will also complete designs of Obi Lane and Obi Lane South car park at Maleny, Christensens Road at Hunchy, and for a number of future gravel road upgrades.

“There will also be road upgrades at Mooloolah, Woombye, Glenview, Landers Shoot and Reesville which will improve access and safety for our daily commuters and all road users.

“Speaking of how we get around town, council will also invest more than $3 million to improve community connectivity within Division 5 including trail resurfacing at Gardeners Falls and entrance improvements into Lagoon Walk, Maroochy Bushland Botanic Gardens, Tanawah.

“Council will also finalise the design for a pedestrian bridge over Obi Obi Creek which will connect the Maleny Community Precinct pathway to Gardners Falls.

“Council’s 2021/22 budget allocation will see $200,000 towards constructing Eudlo’s new look main street, which aims to improve the day-to-day experience of people living, working, and visiting the hinterland town.

“The allocation of $450,000 will progress Stage 1 design and construction to beautify Blackall Street, Woombye. Placemaking projects are an important part of enhancing what the community already loves about their local townships.

“Many parks and playgrounds across Division 5 will also be upgraded with assets being replaced including barbecues, shelters, playgrounds and shade sail installations.

Highlights for Division 5:

  • $2.32 million to upgrade the gravel road along Citrus Road, Palmwoods
  • $600,000 for Stage 3 works to widen the remainder of Glenview Road, Glenview
  • $575,000 to upgrade the entry road and car park to the Mooloolah Valley Sports Complex, Mooloolah Valley
  • $500,000 to upgrade the existing unsealed, external car park and hardstand area at Sippy Creek Depot, Sippy Downs
  • $470,000 for the master planning of Mary Cairncross Ecological Park, Landsborough-Maleny Road, Maleny to establish a council-wide destination recreation park/ecological parkland
  • $462,000 to upgrade the surface of Mountain View Road between McCarthy Road and Byrne Lane, Maleny
  • $450,000 for Stage 1 Streetscape Placemaking project at Blackall Street, Woombye
  • $359,000 to design and start construction of on road carparking along Obi Lane South, Maleny
  • $250,000 to renew lighting infrastructure at Palmwoods Aquatic Centre, Palmwoods
  • $250,000 to rehabilitate Daltons Bridge along Eastern Mary River Road, Cambroon
  • $220,000 to replace the batter protection on the Old Palmwoods Bridge along Old Palmwoods Road, West Woombye
  • $210,000 to improve carparking at Briggs Park along Jubilee Drive, Palmwoods
  • $200,000 to continue the Maleny Business Centre Streetscape planning and design works for Maple Street, Maleny
  • $200,000 for Eudlo Streetscape Placemaking project for Rosebed Street, Eudlo
  • $146,000 to continue internal roads upgrades at Maleny Showgrounds, Maleny
  • $120,000 to construct a new pathway along Palm Street, Maleny
  • $52,000 to construct shade and install two new bench seats at Palmwoods Skate park, Palmwoods
  • $50,000 to construct a new pathway at Federation Park, Palmwoods
  • $30,000 to install a welcome to Maleny sign, Maleny
  • $20,000 to design a future pathway along Tallowwood Street, Maleny
  • $14,000 to remove pine trees on Reesville Road, Reesville
  • $10,000 to re-surface the Montville School carpark, Montville
  • $10,000 to construct a picnic shelter and table at Cedar Grove, Maleny
  • $11,000 to construct two new bench seats at Brand Place Park, Mooloolah
  • $7000 to remove pine trees at Wilson Lane, Woombye


Buderim Pines, Buderim Meadows, Mountain Creek (Glenfields, Brightwater), Palmview (Harmony), Sippy Downs (Chancellor Park)

“Parks are at the heart of our communities, which is why more than $1.1 million has been safely secured to design and construct our very first district park for the Sippy Downs Town Centre, said Division 6 Councillor Christian Dickson.

“Delivering a community centre for our Palmview community is becoming more of a reality with $100,000 allocated to continue to plan for the delivery of this centre.

“Progress will continue on planning for a Sippy Downs library and community centre with $400,000 to assist with the design and delivery phase.

“The knowledge precinct will be made safer for students walking or riding to school and university with $450,000 allocated to construct a connection between Scholars Drive and Columbia Street at Sippy Downs under the federal government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program.

“As always road safety remains important with $70,000 to be used to install a pedestrian refuge and lighting at Karawatha Drive, Mountain Creek.

“We’re also carrying out a variety of small but valuable works at some of our local parks.

“Works such as upgrading barbecues, repairing playground equipment and signage will be welcome additions for Glenfields Neighbourhood Park, Albany Lakes Park, Phoenix Circuit Park, Windmill Park, Riverside Park to name a few.

Highlights for Division 6:

  • $1.1 million to design and construct a district recreation park in the Sippy Downs Town Centre – Forest Park West Sippy Downs
  • $450,000 to construct the connection between Scholars Drive and Columbia Street, Sippy Downs under the federal government’s Local Road and Community Infrastructure Program.
  • $130,000 to replace Edgewater Lake Parks Bridge, Sippy Downs
  • $112,000 for path renewal at Parklea Esplanade, Mountain Creek
  • $100,000 to upgrade existing off-road carpark at Albany Street, Sippy Downs
  • $100,000 to plan design, and deliver the Palmview District Community Centre
  • $400,000 to plan, design and deliver a Sippy Downs Library and Local Community Venue
  • $100,000 to construct 10 new parking bays at Sir Raleigh Drive, Sippy Downs
  • $95,000 for repair works to the Cootamundra Bridge, Mountain Creek
  • $85,000 to upgrade and replace the shelter at Frogmouth Park, Mountain Creek
  • $80,000 to upgrade Sippy Downs Drive between Stringybark Road and Power Road
  • $70,000 to install pedestrian refuge and lighting at Karawatha Drive, Mountain Creek
  • $70,000 to replace the Mountain Creek Lake Viewing Platform
  • $60,000 for basketball half court at Durrack Place Park, Buderim
  • $50,000 for pathway Stage 2 Mountain Creek Road, Mountain Creek
  • $50,000 for a welcome tree and lighting at Glenfields, Mountain Creek
  • $50,000 to start the planning for an Aquatic Centre in Palmview
  • $15,000 for Brightwater Sports Ground Mountain Creek Shelter barbecue at Mountain Creek
  • $15,000 for dog drinking facility at Panama Crescent Park, Mountain Creek
  • $10,000 for pathway lighting at Chancellor Village Park, Sippy Downs
  • $10,000 to do design work to stabilise a section of the riverbank at Prelude Drive Park, Mountain Creek
  • $10,000 for renewal works at Glenfields Neighbourhood Park, Mountain Creek
  • $10,000 for renewal works at Phoenix Circuit Park, Sippy Downs.
  • $9000 for renewal and upgrade works at Windmill Park, Sippy Downs
  • $5000 to investigate a dog off leash area at Glenfield Neighbourhood Park, Mountain Creek
  • $5000 for pathway lighting at Alfriston Drive, Buderim
  • $5000 to investigate a playground at Buderim Pines West Park, Buderim


Buderim, Diddillibah, Forest Glen, Kiels Mountain, Kuluin, Kunda Park, Maroochydore, Mons, Rosemount, Tanawha

Investing $3.6 million towards a new pedestrian and cyclist bridge on Stringybark Road, Buderim, completing the tramway trail and undertaking significant upgrades to stormwater management infrastructure are among the priorities for Division 7.

“Starting the new pedestrian and cyclist bridge on the western side of the existing road bridge on Stringybark Road, Buderim, which crosses over the Sunshine Coast Motorway will make a huge difference to the lives of local residents,” said Divisional Councillor Ted Hungerford.

“This important piece of infrastructure will provide safer connectivity between Buderim and Sippy Downs and enable residents to adopt more sustainable and active transport.
“Council will also invest more than $2.4 million in new and upgraded stormwater quality management infrastructure across Division 7.

“Planning and design to upgrade the intersection of Sugar Road and Wises Road will start, Maroochydore as well as construction upgrades to the existing roundabout intersection at Stringybark Road and Gleneagle Court at Buderim to reduce traffic congestion and improve safety.

“I’m also very pleased to announce more than $709,000 has been allocated to construct a pedestrian pathway from MacKenzie Green, up the hill crossing Crosby Hill Road, Scenic Avenue, William Street at Buderim and joining into the existing pathway.”

Highlights for Division 7:
• $3.6 million to construct a new pedestrian and cyclist bridge on Stringybark Road, Buderim
• $2.4 million for new and upgraded stormwater management infrastructure at Buderim
• $709,000 to construct pedestrian pathway at Crosby Hill Road, Buderim
• $674,00 for intersection upgrade at Stringybark Road and Gleneagle Court, Buderim
• $560,000 for intersection upgrade at Sugar Road and Wises Road, Buderim
• $340,000 for completion of the Buderim-Palmwoods tramway trail, Mons
• $190,000 for kerb and channel renewal at Page Street, Kunda Park
• $100,000 for Cod Hole Park playground renewal at Bradman Avenue, Maroochydore
• $100,000 towards design to upgrade Dixon Road and Power Road, Buderim intersection to align with new Goshawk Boulevard extension, Buderim
• $110,000 for design works for link from Power Road to Stringybark Road, Buderim
• $100,000 for Stage 1 design of upgrades to Power Road and Dixon Road, Buderim intersection
• $80,000 for Forestwood Drive Stormwater Management study, Buderim
• $55,000 for Stage 2 Picnic area landscaping works at EJ Foote Memorial Sanctuary, Buderim
• $40,000 to install a new barbecue shelter at Cod Hole Park, Maroochydore
• $35,000 for Stage 2 drainage works at various locations in Division 7
• $34,000 to replace 102m pathway on North Buderim Boulevard, Buderim
• $31,000 for riparian improvements to upper Cornmeal Creek, Maroochydore
• $30,000 for resealing works on Merrimist Way walking trail, Kiels Mountain
• $30,000 for Main Street Pool Park irrigation works, Buderim
• $30,000 for Paluma Terrace Park playground renewal, Buderim
• $20,000 for delineation upgrades to 543 Diddillibah Rd, Diddilibah
• $15,000 for safety and sight line improvements at 231 Ballinger Road, Buderim
• $8500 for rehabilitation works at Stelarni Place old dam, Buderim
• $5000 for Deloraine Drive Park, Buderim seat renewal


Coolum Beach, Marcoola, Maroochydore, Mount Coolum, Mudjimba, Pacific Paradise, Point Arkwright, Twin Waters, Yaroomba

Upgrading the bridge and boardwalk in the Yaroomba Bushland Park, renewing the amenities block at Mudjimba Beach Holiday Park (pictured), and renewing shelters at Waalum Park at Mount Coolum are getting money in Division 8.

“I’m very pleased to see $370,000 has been allocated to replace and renew the bridge and boardwalk in Yaroomba Bushland Park, a hidden gem of an environmental reserve off Neurum Road,” said Divisional Councillor Jason O’Pray.

“Another popular little community park, Waalum Park at Mount Coolum, will also greatly benefit from new shelters and picnic tables and seats.

“To support the increasing visitor numbers to our region, $800,000 will be invested in the Mudjimba Beach Holiday Park.

“Replacement of the existing amenities building of this much-loved holiday hideaway will bring this facility up to the standard of the rest of the park.”

Highlights for Division 8:
• $800,000 to replace amenities building at the Mudjimba Beach Holiday Park
• $620,000 to construct a kerb and channel between Conebush Road to Coolibah Street, Mudjimba
• $370,000 for the bridge and boardwalk renewal in Yaroomba Bushland Park, off Neurum Road, Yaroomba
• $210,000 to renew six shelters in Waalum Park, Mount Coolum
• $200,000 for the revetment renewal along Bradman Ave, Maroochydore
• $130,000 to improve stormwater drainage on School Road and Larkin Street at Maroochydore
• $115,000 to install bridge joints in conjunction with resurfacing of the Lake view Drive Bridge, Twin Waters
• $100,000 to renew the pathway along Bradman Avenue, Maroochydore as part of the staged pathway renewal (extends from Minti Street West to the Maroochy River Boat Ramp)
• $90,000 to install bridge joints in the new asphalt surface of the Duporth Avenue bridge, Maroochydore
• $90,000 for replacement and renewal works on the Warrack Street Park playground at Mount Coolum
• $70,000 for Esperance Drive, Twin Waters pathway renewal
• $70,000 for renewal and landscape works on the Millwell Park and playground at Maroochydore
• $40,000 for Mayflower Park, Maroochydore playground renewal
• $20,000 to construct a new pathway along Runway Drive, Marcoola
• $20,000 for Felix Parry Park, Marcoola barbecue facilities renewal
• $20,000 for Prestwick Drive Park, Twin Waters seat renewal
• $15,000 for North Shore Road, Twin Waters beach shower renewal
• $15,000 to remove bollards and replace seat at Waterlily Place Reserve, Twin Waters
• $10,000 for Birrahl Park, Yaroomba bollard run renewal
• $10,000 for Girl Guide Park in Maroochydore picnic combo renewal
• $8,000 for Karinya Place, Twin Waters seat renewal
• $6,000 for Nautilus Place Park, Twin Waters seat renewal
• $6,000 for The Links Reserve, Twin Waters seat renewal
• $5,000 for Bradman Avenue, Maroochydore staged path renewal design
• $5,000 for Picnic Point Park, Maroochydore seat renewal


Bli Bli, Coolum Beach, Doonan, Marcoola, Maroochy River, Mount Coolum, Pacific Paradise, Peregian Beach, Peregian Springs, Valdora, Verrierdale, Weyba Downs, Yandina Creek

Community consultation for a new Peregian Springs Community Centre, $2.4 million to seal Zgrajewski Road, Yandina Creek, and a new amenities building for Jack Morgan Park, Coolum are just some highlights for Division 9.

“Road improvements and sealing of unsealed roads remains a priority. The $500,000 sealing of Oyster Bank Road, Bli Bli and $300,000 to improve the safety and upgrade the Coolum Sports intersection at David Low Way, Coolum are also welcomed investments,” Divisional Councillor Maria Suarez.

“A missing link of the coastal pathway at Coolum Beach between Lions Park and Norrie Job Park will be built as well as a new amenity block at Jack Morgan Park.

“Planning for a new community park at our Blue Heart at Yandina will begin as well as upgrades to other playground and fitness equipment at Cordellia Street Park Playground, Coolum Beach and Grove Park, Mornington Crescent, Peregian Springs.

“A significant investment is taking place in securing our future waste and recycling processing capacity, with construction of a new Materials Recovery Facility and expansion of the Nambour Landfill and resource recovery facility at Bli Bli.”

Highlights for Division 9:

  • $16.86 million to begin the Nambour Landfill Expansion and design and start construction of the Nambour Resource Recovery Centre, Bli Bli
  • $11 million to begin the new Materials Recovery Facility, Bli Bli
  • $4.5 million to design and construct infrastructure such as roads, utilities, services, stormwater, and weighbridge to allow the further development and land use of Lot 3 in the Nambour waste precinct, Bli Bli
  • $2.4 million to continue the sealing of Zgrajewski Road, Yandina Creek
  • $900,000 to replace an amenity block at the Coolum Holiday Park, Coolum Beach
  • $800,000 to replace a box culvert at Cinnamon Avenue, Coolum Beach
  • $600,000 for detailed planning for a new holiday park on David Low Way, Bli Bli
  • $500,000 to seal Oyster Bank Road, Bli Bli
  • $300,000 to upgrade the Coolum Sports intersection, David Low Way, Coolum
  • $285,000 to further develop the Doonan Creek Environmental Reserve, Doonan
  • $250,000 to renew the rugby league and cricket lighting at the Coolum Sports Complex, Coolum Beach
  • $200,000 to build a new amenity block at Jack Morgan Park, Coolum
  • $110,000 for irrigation at Tickle Park, Coolum Beach
  • $103,000 to construct a pathway at Park Crescent, Coolum Beach.
  • $100,000 to plan a new community park at the Blue Heart, River Road, Yandina Creek
  • $100,000 to improve safety at Camp Flat Road, Bli Bli
  • $75,000 to renew the crab platform at Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary, Bli Bli
  • $85,000 to renew playground elements at Cordellia Street Park Playground, Coolum Beach
  • $80,000 to renew the fitness equipment at Grove Park, Mornington Crescent, Peregian Springs
  • $70,000 to upgrade Lakewood Drive including Monak Road between Murdering Creek Road and Nyell Road to an appropriate sealed road standard, Peregian Beach
  • $50,000 to widen the sealed section, between existing gravel road sections on North Arm Yandina Creek Road, Yandina
  • $50,000 to widen Lefoes Road for approximately 200m north of Sports Road, Bli Bli
  • $30,000 to widen part of Godfreys Avenue, Bli Bli
  • $15,000 for new interpretative signage at the Maroochy Wetlands Sanctuary.


Belli Park, Bridges, Burnside, Coes Creek, Coolabine, Cooloolabin, Dulong, Eerwah Vale, Eumundi, Gheerulla, Highworth, Image Flat, Kenilworth, Kiamba, Kidaman Creek, Kulangoor, Kureelpa, Mapleton, Nambour, Ninderry, North Arm, Obi Obi, Parklands, Perwillowen, Rosemount, Towen Mountain, Yandina

More than $8 million will be injected into Division 10 including vibrant new placemaking to Eumundi Town Centre, a new-look Quota Park, Nambour, and extension and renovations to the family friendly Nambour Showgrounds.

“I’m pleased to see $700,000 allocated to Eumundi’s Town Centre placemaking, which will benefit residents and visitors to the popular area,” said Divisional Councillor David Law.

“Quota Park, in the heart of Nambour, will receive $1.1 million as part of the Petrie Creek Parklands Open Space Master Plan, which is designed to create a continuous linear park network to encompass existing individual parklands and open space areas.

“Nambour Showgrounds will receive a facelift, with $1.135m going towards the grandstand roof renewal, equestrian pavilion roof replacement, upgrade of surface of equestrian arena and drainage, which will benefit so many locals and events utilising the space.

“Nambour Aquatic Centre’s upgrade continues to thrive, with more than $1 million of council funds directed towards amenities refurbishment, pool shelter and infrastructure renewal.

“I’m also pleased to see safety a priority, with $300,000 allocated to completing the Arundell Ave and Mill Lane, Nambour upgrade.”

Cr Law said a hive of small-scale but very important projects would also be activated in the next financial year, including installing a pedestrian fence at Low Street, Yandina, Kenilworth Town Park barbecue, shelter and playground renewal, and the Eumundi Basketball Court renewal.

Highlights for Division 10:

  • $1.105 million to construct the Nambour Petrie Creek Parklands Quota Park extension
  • $700,000 to Eumundi Town Centre Placemaking
  • $1.135 million towards an upgrade at Nambour Showgrounds including the grandstand roof renewal, equestrian pavilion roof replacement and upgrade of surface of equestrian arena, drainage
  • $500,000 to the feasibility, planning and design of the Nambour Administration Precinct
  • $1.01 million towards the Nambour Aquatic Centre upgrade
  • $300,000 to Nambour CBD Activation including streetscape improvement projects in Nambour such as the Terminus Tram involving community engagement, concept development, construction documentation and delivery of streetscape upgrades to Currie Street, Howard Street, Mill Street and the arrival experience from the train station at Civic Way at Nambour.
  • $300,000 to complete the upgrade at Arundell Av and Mill Lane, Nambour
  • $1.04 million for capital works including the Ninderry Rd footbridge conversion, developing Kulangoor Cemetery site and establishing an entrance feature and signage for Eumundi Cemetery.
  • $730,000 to renew facilitates including Belli Park Playground, Kenilworth Town Park fence, the Eumundi basketball court at Dick Caplick Park and to renew the barbecue at Burnside Park as well as the play structure at Quota Park at Nambour

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