A busy intersection in the middle of Maroochydore is set for an upgrade, to improve pedestrian safety.
Designs are being finalised for improved pedestrian crossings at the intersection of Beach Road, Maroochydore Road, Horton Parade and Ocean Street.
Transport and Main Roads Minister Mark Bailey said the design included a new signalised crossing on Beach Road to Ocean Street.
“The Maroochydore CBD is growing rapidly, and we’ve made it a priority to provide safer access for people walking to the nearby bus station, shopping centres and entertainment precinct,” he said.
“We’ve allocated $1.8 million for the improvements as part of the Targeted Road Safety Program, which aims to improve road safety by implementing high-benefit, cost-effective treatments at known and potential crash locations.
“We are in the process of finalising the upgrade designs, which will involve improving the existing signalised crossings on Maroochydore Road and Horton Parade.
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“The design also includes new fencing along the Horton Parade median from Ocean Street to Cornmeal Parade to encourage people to use the safer crossings.
“To support these changes, we will remove the left-turn slip lanes and modifying the traffic signals to control motorists turning in and out of Ocean Street.
“We will continue to update the community as the design progresses.”
Design is expected to be completed in early 2022, with works starting this year, weather and construction conditions permitting.
For more information, visit tmr.qld.gov.au/projects/maroochydore-mooloolabaroad-and-ocean-street-improve-intersection.