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Your say: vax mandate backflip, stop the stink, power pole shock and flood angels

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With regard to the Sunshine Coast News article headlined Iconic movement backs down on vaccination mandate:

I am so happy Surf Life Saving Queensland (SLSQ) has reviewed its stance and decided against mandating.

These men and woman are needed in our shores and if I’m in trouble at the beach and need rescuing, I’m not concerned about my rescuer being vaccinated.

I am vaccinated and pro-choice, I believe it is my responsibility to protect myself, not anyone else.

Thank you to all the lifesavers for the great job they do on our beaches.


I commend SLSQ for not requiring this mandate.

As long as people are well and symptom free they should be allowed to participate freely in the community.

Unvaccinated people are allowed to attend places for essential services and there appears to be no dangers being experienced in these venues as a result.

Preventing people from engaging in social activities is deleterious to their mental health.

So it’s time to lift the restrictive mandate and allow everyone to return to normal life.


It was such a pleasure to see that SLSQ listened to its clubs and their members, who were very much against such a mandated rule.

It is a great pity that more organisations, especially ones with a government background, don’t/can’t do the same. After all we are supposed to be a free and democratic country.


There is a simple solution for these self-centred volunteers who refuse the jab: set up a second set of flags, clearly marked with black flags showing a skull and crossbones, and UNVACCINATED ONLY signs.

Best of luck to the volunteers doing mouth to mouth on their first infected patient!


The time for mandates has passed.

When we were in the midst of the pandemic it was important to reduce movement, to protect the elderly and prevent hospital overload.

Now the new strains are more infectious but less serious — look at Queensland statistics of 3,000 cases per day with only a handful in ICU.

There is no longer a need for restrictions and mandates, it’s now no worse than the flu.

It’s time to move on.

DR GRAHAM PINN, Retired Consultant Physician

Time to stop the stink

RE: ‘Fix this nightmare’: family flees sewage nightmare.

Let’s be clear, sewage overflow is a regular problem for fellow unfortunate Battery Hill residents.

This does not only occur during severe newsworthy weather events. We have lodged call outs with Unitywater for sewage overflow multiple times a year for the past 11 years.

Unitywater is aware of our situation. Sunshine Coast Council is aware of our situation. The two parties need to fix this issue once and for all, especially for the sake of community health.

I don’t appreciate toilet paper in my yard or hosing faeces off my driveway.

But what really annoys me is Council’s storm drain on our street declaring “Dump No Waste – Flows To Ocean/Creek”. Time to practice what you preach! You have been aware of this issue for over a decade.

MR & MRS HATCHETT, Careen Street

A frustrated Phil Gray at his Battery Hill home. Picture: Lou O’Brien

We live in Lakeshore Place, Little Mountain, and every heavy rain event has us on edge.

The toilet starts bubbling, the sinks fill up and the toilet all but overflows.

A neighbour on one side has the same problem. Another neighbour has it worse. There’s sewage in their house and front yard as well as our yard.

An elderly couple around the corner also get sewage all through their house and the insurance company has to send people from Brisbane to clean it up. Good luck with that!

Council keeps approving more developments and no thought for where the water and crap is going to go.

I complained to Unitywater six months ago and again this time. No reply. It is only a matter of time before we all are in the s&#t.

NAME SUPPLIED, Little Mountain

Why are we logging for power poles

Hello I’m enjoying your articles very much. There is so much going on in our region that we are not aware of, such as the one about the State Government cutting down trees for power poles.

I have never been able to understand why timber poles have to be used. Why not use concrete ones? They don’t have to be renewed as often and don’t encourage the termites.

Surely, it would save ratepayers a lot of money. And keep others in business.


Half the east coast of Australia is under water, a year ago the coastal forest was burnt to a crisp with billions of creatures incinerated.

What does it take before someone in a government office realises and accepts that logging forests to make poles is on the bizarre side of stupid?

The logging notice at Ferny Forest. Picture: Patrick Woods

We need every tree standing and then some.

There is no point in saying you want to save koalas while you are cutting down the trees they are sitting in.

What sort of insane thinking is taking place in our halls of government?

The evidence would suggest one hand doesn’t  know what the other is doing, or worse still, doesn’t care.


Sorting footpath jungle 

I want to send a big shout out and thank you to Sunshine Coast News columnist Jane Stephens for her balanced article: “Time to sort the footpath jungle before the chance scoots past”.

I’m 75 years of age. I have my e-scooter for two years and done over 2,200km on the wonderful pathways of the Sunshine Coast and other places I’ve visited.

I keep to the left, wear a helmet, use a bell and travel with care, awareness and consideration of others.

Anyone who rides an e-scooter will tell you a limit of 12km is impossible as you have to scooter to the conditions and the number of people, dogs, bikes, children, strollers etc using the pathways.

My e-scooter is set to a maximum speed of 25km.

I enjoy the ride and being outdoors, so please don’t take our freedoms from us, as there will always be those who do not consider others. I have photos to prove it. Age will not weary us…”


Thanks to flood angels

I would like to thank the dedicated staff at Tewantin Meals on Wheels for their service during the floods.

They went out of their way to get the meals to me by wading through knee-deep water, not a pleasant task.

I and many others are very grateful for the extra mile these angels go to help us out.

Thank you all once again.


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