Hundreds of people from around the region have united for a special march and candlelight vigil.
Community members rallied to Cotton Tree Park at Maroochydore to show their support against domestic and family violence.
The event, hosted by support services provider Centacare and Sunshine Coast Council, was held to mark Domestic and Family Violence Prevention Month.
It included a march and vigil and the theme was Hear Her Voice, which asked the community to hear the voices, stories and perspectives of women and children experiencing violence.
Sunshine Coast Council Mayor Mark Jamieson said there was more we could do to show those who were suffering they were not alone.
“The march and candle-lighting were a sobering reminder that domestic and family violence continues to affect the Sunshine Coast community like it does every other,” he said.
“I hope that anyone affected by domestic or family violence can gain strength from the support of our community tonight.

Community Portfolio Councillor David Law said he was proud to see the number of people who united against domestic and family violence.
“I would like to thank the community who attended the event to take a stand against abuse,” he said.
“I also extend my gratitude to Centacare and all event partners for their continued coordination of the event and their daily hard work in supporting survivors of domestic and family violence.
“Council is committed to continuing to support the drive to end gendered violence and it is a key goal of the Sunshine Coast Community Strategy 2019-2041 to address domestic violence within our community.”
Centacare has hosted the annual event since 2000.

Resources and contacts
- In an emergency, call the Ambulance or Police on 000.
- All incidents of violence should be reported to the Police. If there is no immediate emergency, you can report DFV to the police by phoning Policelink on 13 14 44 or make a non-urgent report of DFV by submitting an online form.
- If you or someone you know is experiencing violence, call 1800 RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or visit 1800 RESPECT for advice and support. This service is open 24 hours and provides confidential advice via phone or webchat. You can also call DVConnect Womensline on 1800 811 811 and DVConnect Mensline on 1800 600 636
- Visit the Queensland Government website for more information about what you can do about domestic and family violence and to search for support services on the Sunshine Coast or in your local area.
- Centacare provides a range of specialist support services for women, children and families impacted by domestic and family violence. For more information, contact the Maroochydore office on 07 5430 9300.
- Download the Be there App: A domestic violence bystander support app that gives you direct access to tools that empower, educate and support you to help someone who is experiencing domestic or family violence.
For more information visit Sunshine Coast Council – Domestic and family Violence.
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