Sunshine Coast residents love the easy access to nature in our region but are concerned about traffic congestion and housing affordability, a survey of 1500 residents reveals.
The 2022 Living on the Sunshine Coast community survey asked which liveability attributes matter the most, what needs to be maintained, what can be improved and how people feel their local area is delivering.
Locals placed the greatest importance on access to the natural environment, with 71 per cent of respondents scoring it as the number one feature of their neighbourhood – comparatively higher than the national benchmark of 48 per cent.
People also nominated community safety, a lack of road congestion, a strong sense of community and the provision of high-quality health services amongst the top five most important ‘liveability’ traits out of 16.
When asked what needed to be maintained, locals felt most passionate about preserving the natural environment, neighbourhood safety, our sense of community, provision of health services, and shopping/leisure amenities.
To further advance liveability of the Sunshine Coast, housing affordability and improved connectivity to get around were on the top of the list for survey respondents.
Our best attributes
- Access to the natural environment
- Feeling safe
- A strong sense of community
- High quality health services
- Shopping, leisure and dining
Our greatest needs
- A lack of road congestion
- Housing affordability
- Connectivity
Sunshine Coast Council Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Maria Suarez said the survey results provided an invaluable insight into the current and future needs of the community.
“Sunshine Coast residents are passionate about their local area and have clear ideas about what makes it a great place to live,” Cr Suarez said.
“By capturing the views and experiences of the community we can better inform, monitor and evaluate our strategic planning and advocacy across our region.”

“In line with our Environment and Liveability Strategy 2017, council is constantly seeking ways to maintain the current liveability of its residents, as well as implementing actions that improve how locals live, work and play in the community,” Cr Suarez said.
“Recently, our region received international recognition as a UNESCO biosphere, which shows the world that we are a community that wants to live in harmony with our environment.
“In view of this, it comes as no surprise that residents sit above the national benchmark when it comes to appreciating the access to, and preservation of, our natural environment.
“It’s important the Sunshine Coast has a sustainable community, a sustainable environment and a sustainable economy – and this data will help us work towards our shared vision of a sustainable and liveable future.”
The survey was conducted by Informed Decisions Consulting in March this year.
An executive summary of the survey is now available on the Sunshine Coast Council website.