Social media is similar to family.
It can at times be really wonderful and fill your bucket with happiness or it can be a total jerk and simply waste your precious time with moronic jokes, pointless bragging and endless embarrassing photos.
Hopefully, my family is not reading this.
Billions of dollars were wiped off the value of Facebook when it announced the global number of active users had fallen for the first time in its 18-year-history.
Aussies are spending less time on Facey and much, much more time on TikTok.
The latter is not just a delicious biscuit I do enjoy with a cup of English Breakfast, but also the fastest-growing form of social media on the planet.
They say we need to keep young with an open mind and embrace new technology.
They also say to update your handbag and sunglasses yearly to look modern … but that is for a different column.

Well, I say, you can rack off, TikTok.
I cannot cope with more social media than I already have.
With Facebook, Messenger, YouTube, Instagram (my addiction of choice), emails and texts, I have more platforms than Grand Central Station.
My dance card is full, thank you very much!
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A recent study showed the average time per month Australian users spend on Facebook fell three per cent last year.
TikTok saw a 40 per cent jump.
And here is the really sobering part: the average time spent on social media is almost two hours per day, which is up 11 minutes.
Two hours! I mean I always whinge I do not have time to get to the movies or have a coffee with friends or read.
Yet, I do have time to sit on my silly phone and be sucked down that vortex of brainlessness.

I will try harder this week to put the phone away and be more present in the now.
I blame a new page I have discovered on Facebook that is all about chipmunks that visit a homemade miniature café in the backyard of an American woman (who clearly had a bit of time on her hands during COVID).
It is a total train wreck. Cringey and tacky.
And I love it.
The sets include little chipmunks having picnics and resting in petite baths.
It is called Rosie’s Café and it will rock your world.
You’re welcome.
But just look quickly, okay, as we need to cut those two hours a day way down.
That is rotting our brains!
Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. For more from Sami, tune into Mix FM.