After 12 years of school – including several clunky years of stressful COVID-19 disruptions – the class of ’22 has walked, run, jumped and danced out of their schoolrooms for the last time – and hundreds made their way to Mooloolaba Beach for the traditional jumping in the waves.
While congratulating the graduates, education officials urged them to celebrate safely and sensibly, as they embark on the next stages of their lives.

“Fabulous, what a great day,” said parent Lara Fabiani, whose son Josh graduated from Matthew Flinders Anglican College.
“There’s been a lot of tears this morning, but honestly they’re moving on to the best years of their lives.”
Josh will study Engineering and Science at QUT in Brisbane, where he will also continue specialised training as one of Australia’s elite 400m sprinters.

Ella Rose, Dux of Nambour State College, will study medicine to become a doctor.
Meantime, her friends were planning a variety of career paths.
“I’ll work and have a gap year, and maybe travel as well, and maybe a TAFE course,” Alita Lavery said.
GALLERY: The Class of 2022: see graduates in special 32-page digital magazine
Larissa Gheorghe added, perhaps a little tongue-in-cheek: “I’m never going to study again.”

Hundreds of parents also gathered on Mooloolaba Beach to wish their children well and reflect on what was a challenging recent few years, with COVID-19 and school lockdowns
“It was an adjustment, but they quite liked working from home,” one parent said about the disruptions. “It is definitely better face-to-face, but the school did its best.”
The Sunshine Coast Year 12 graduates joined more than 52,000 across Queensland who took their final steps from school and their first steps toward their next stage of their lives.

The Department of Education also congratulated the graduates, in light of the various COVID strains and influenza outbreaks.
“The department congratulates our Year 12 graduates for their exceptional resilience, flexibility and commitment through what has been an extraordinary couple of years,” a spokesperson said.

“Whether they are going on to university, vocational education or training, or joining the workforce, we wish all graduating students every success for the future.”
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Some students said they would head straight to the Gold Coast this weekend for schoolies celebrations, which brought with it words of warning.
“While Schoolies is all about having fun with friends, it also brings with it responsibility and risks,” a Department of Environment and Science spokesperson said.
“Poor decision-making can lead to serious consequences for school leavers – such as safety, impacts on future employment and legal matters.
“Have fun, be responsible, stay safe and watch their mates … stick together, talk to each other, and seek help together … respect each other’s individuality, opinions and the right to make their own decisions.”
State Government reminders for school leavers
- Don’t risk it – call triple zero (000) in an emergency.
- Consent – Only yes means yes.
- Care for your mental and physical wellbeing.
- Be balcony safe.
- Respect the community.
Words of advice for parents and carers of school leavers
- We encourage you to have talk to your child before the weekend – ask questions, talk about their feelings, expectations and plans, reinforce their rights and responsibilities and the risks involved with celebration plans and being away from home. Have honest conversations and don’t shy away from talking about the ‘awkward’ topics.
- Make plans to stay in touch – parents should arrange a certain time of day to check in with their teens while they are away.
- Let them know that they can call you any time (day or night) if they need to.
- Cook a meal/s or consider a mid-week visit. Keeping young people well-fed during Schoolies is so important for their health and wellbeing.
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