Is your dirty little secret that you enjoy cleaning?
My good friend attacks her house with Dettol and determination when she is stressed, sad or angry, and even when she is happy. This intrigues me.
My Palmwoods pal often says to me she cannot wait to get home and clean her house with complete vigour because she finds it so satisfying.
I often ask her if she is drunk when she tells me these bewildering thoughts and feelings.
Perhaps she is inhaling too many fumes from the Dettol?
I wish I had this gene to get in and scrub the shelves.
For me, housework has always been like herpes: something to avoid at all costs.
You see, I love to read a book, watch some Netflix, write endless to-do lists and generally procrastinate like a teenager who is asked to unpack the dishwasher.
I have always found housework about as exciting as cricket … and boy, do I hate cricket.
My husband is quite partial to sweeping and mopping and, luckily for me, the floor is his domain.
My mother shares his love of mopping and sweeping.
So, when our first son was born, she bought us a mop to mark this milestone.
I wanted to hit her over the head with that mop (love you, Mum).
I expected a nice photo frame or a beautiful baby blanket.
But a mop? No thanks.

My work friend loves to iron.
She spends hours ironing clothing, sheets and underwear so they have neat folds and steamed creases that are so sharp that they could cut your finger.
My household strength is that I like to faff.
I like to rearrange the shelves and make them look pretty and hide all my junk away in drawers that we do not ever open. Ever.
The idea that our home is far more than just a shelter from this busy world – a reflection of our true identities – was first put forward by Swiss theorist and academic Carl Jung.
I think Carl was on to something.
How we keep that space is, therefore, imperative to how we function and to our health and mental wellbeing.
Basically, the experts say a clean house can make you feel happy, accomplished and calm.
Perhaps my home of chaos and clutter explains my anxiety and foul mood at this time of year.
Or it could be from spending too much on my credit card at Christmas to further add clutter to my messy sinking ship.
Best I buy some Dettol and a new attitude next shopping trip.
Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. For more from Sami, tune into Mix FM.