The headline read ‘Qld police exodus’, lamenting how recruitment numbers were down and that the folk in blue were leaving in record numbers.
That is a perfect storm and not what the state government promised last election.
Instead of a promised 1500 more coppers, I think the number was 92 and probably, if we hit the pollies with truth serum, it would actually be a minus.
I have a solution for the geniuses in Brisbane: change the retirement requirement (currently 60).
That seems to be part of the problem.
While they are at it, let retirees work and only pay tax, not lose the pension.
That would solve a lot of problems in the labour-starved workforce.
Back to the folk in blue and all that knowledge walking out the door at 60, whether they want to or not.
Now, I have mentioned this before and the response I get is that super is geared to 60, in favour of the retiree.
Well, change it for those who want to stay. It can’t be that hard.
Why I mention this is that the ‘Sheriff of Mooloolaba’ Steve McDonald is about to hit 60 and retire – a massive loss for the busy strip, as he is renowned for driving the beat in his ATV and reminds me of coppers when I was growing up, who attached their boot firmly to my backside.
Of course, he isn’t allowed to do that these days – more’s the pity – but he knows who’s who in the zoo, which is invaluable to the community and what is going on in his patch.

I’m not sure he wants to retire: he appears to love his job and the community loves what he does.
Bring in yearly fitness tests for police.
It will be good for their physical and mental health.
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Those who want to serve past 60 should be allowed to, as long as they pass the test.
I know what you’re thinking: if there is a fitness test, there will be fewer police than there are now.
But we have to start somewhere and maybe, up until 60, no one fails, but there’s a blanket ban on doughnuts.
Just kidding.
Of course none of this will happen as it’s far too practical.
So, Sheriff, like many other wonderful police I have known, you will be sorely missed.
Thank you, and I say that even if you had kicked me up the arse like some of your predecessors, as it was duly noted and well deserved.
Ashley Robinson is a columnist with Sunshine Coast News and My Weekly Preview. His views are his own.