Window shopping at the movies is one of my favourite things to do with my kids.
“What is this?” I hear you asking.
Well, we go to the movies and walk around and look at all the new release posters and watch the trailers showing which blockbusters are being released this year.
We smell the popcorn and do a little people watching.
We spend maybe 30 minutes to an hour doing this and then we go.
We don’t see a movie but we know one day soon we will come back and watch one.
We don’t buy the popcorn. But again, we know that treat is coming.
It is kind of like taking a car for a test drive or doing your research before you buy what you are chasing.
My friends think I have totally lost the plot and think this is bonkers.
They say I am cruel to not let the kids then watch a movie.

But you know what? It genuinely makes us all happy to just soak up the surrounds of the cinema and get a taste of what movies are coming soon.
My good mate Kellie once told me: “You need something to look forward to each and every day to be truly happy.”
I have been embracing this philosophy because I have spent a lot of time of late mulling over what makes me truly happy.
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My brain easily goes to dark places and I over-think every tiny detail.
Sleep is often elusive, and I find it hard to sit still and be present in most moments.
Perhaps the answer to happiness is not my default settings to pour a wine, eat some fast food and spend some money.
Perhaps these are just Band-Aids for finding real levels of being content.
It is an elusive drug sometimes, but movie window shopping sure makes me happy.

I asked my friends what they love to window shop for and Stacey told me bookshops are her weakness.
Marzy loves nothing more than to stalk every book in airport bookshops.
Jen’s favourite thing to do is look into the windows of antique stores.
Kat waits until Christmas to check out all the festive Christmas displays.
Leisa loves to look at wedding dresses, despite the fact she is happily married.
And I did have a male friend confide in me his guilty pleasure is to window shop for LEGO.
John Lennon got it right when he said: “Whatever gets you through the night.”
Sami Muirhead is a radio announcer, blogger and commentator. For more from Sami, tune into Mix FM.