Noosa residents have been urged to help shape the region’s indoor sports and recreation offerings, with current facilities unable to meet demand.
Noosa Council has called for residents to have their say about existing indoor leisure facilities and provide suggestions on how to meet future needs, via Your Say.
A Review of Indoor Sport and Recreation Facilities, released this month, said that “current indoor facilities such as Noosa Leisure Centre and school halls are at capacity or not able to meet demand”.
Mayor Clare Stewart said there was a “need for indoor sports facilities”.
“Although Noosa Leisure Centre is the shire’s largest indoor court-based facility, it reaches capacity during peak demand periods,” she said.
“Population growth and increasing participation in traditional and new indoor sports are driving a need for indoor sports facilities.
“Plus, increasingly inclement weather is expected to further boost indoor sports participation while outdoor sports are seeking indoor training spaces, so it’s important we plan for the future.”
The project aims to understand the gaps in the provision of local indoor sports and physical activity opportunities in the shire.

Acting manager of sport and active lifestyles Brad Chalmers said council would work closely with sports groups to understand their future requirements and develop a process for working together.
“We look forward to consulting with a wide range of stakeholders to assess the opportunities we have before us, and the constraints we face,” he said.
“Ensuring our residents have accessible and appropriate indoor leisure facilities available is a priority.”
Building on Noosa’s Sport and Active Recreation Plan, the project aims to create a comprehensive strategy for providing indoor leisure facilities to the community.
“We encourage all residents and stakeholders to participate in this project and provide their thoughts and ideas as opportunities are announced,” Mr Chalmers said.
Community consultation will be held in April and May, with an options analysis and selection from May to June, draft concept designs in July and August and a report to council recommending the preferred option in September.