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Your say: motorway interchange, cycleway upgrade and praise for a good deed

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Plan to add extra sites to $35m creekside tourist park

The family pushing for a new festival site on the Sunshine Coast is planning to build a $35 million tourist park nearby. Coochin Creek Property, More

Road to recovery starts at landslip sites

Works have started on repairing two sections of a key inland road damaged by floods two years ago. The Department of Transport and Main Roads More

Coffee plantation nears first commercial harvest

A coffee plantation that opened earlier this year will soon begin processing and roasting its own beans, so it can serve coffee that has More

Proposal to increase town centre building limit to 15 storeys

Community consultation has opened regarding a proposal to amend the planning framework to allow for more residential development in an emerging town centre. Sunshine Coast More

Sami Muirhead: finding avocado perfection

Holy guacamole! I bring you exciting news if you love your Mexican food and margaritas. And if you do not love this delicious duo, well, you More

Architecturally designed waterfront oasis up for auction

A Minyama property auction is expected to turn heads this weekend as an agent urges people to get into the “hot market” as quickly More

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb.

If it were any other government department in the world this omission would be unbelievable, but from the Queensland Department of Transport I am not surprised.

If all the money spent by them on studies and surveys was instead put towards construction, a simple overpass from Brisbane Road to the northbound merge lane could have been constructed within the existing roadway footprint with negligible environmental impact.

I used to go to Mooloolaba weekly but have only been once since the multi-level car park was opened because it is just so inconvenient these days.

Lucy Wittholz, Yaroomba 

It comes as no surprise that traffic engineers have made a mess of the Mooloolah River Interchange Upgrade design.

You only have to look at the Bruce Highway/Caloundra Road/Steve Irwin Way interchange to realise that they don’t have a clue. What used to be a simple crossroads with an existing overpass and a single set of traffic lights is now a confusing spaghetti junction with intersecting roads and multiple traffic lights. No wonder the traffic is frequently backed up on Caloundra Road for more than 4km.

But maybe I’ve got it wrong. Perhaps the aim is to impede traffic rather than assist. If that is the case then they are doing a magnificent job.

Ron Duggleby, Little Mountain

Sunshine Coast Council really needs to bring more to Beerwah than more housing and vehicles. Yes, we have three supermarkets, but not a Coles. Just look at the number of Coles home delivery vans around town to see the need.

Marketplace can’t deal with the influx of newcomers, its car park is unmanageable. Its answer was to time parking, then council followed up with timed street parking. Nothing has happened with the promised additions to Marketplace, which had approval long ago.

Not all of us want or can drive to the big centres on the coast. We try to shop local, but give us more choice. More visitors to our area will improve business for our existing stores.

Jessie Martin, Beerwah

The delaying tactics of some local businesses has stymied the future development of Beerwah as the regional hub it was designated as some years ago. All the arguments used to attempt to block this development have resulted in some businesses having free rein to maximise profits from a captive customer base.

It has been well documented that the Australian grocery business is suffering from a lack of competition, which in turn has allowed supermarket operators to increase margins. Those who fear competition should not be in business.

I commend the District Court judge who has ruled in favour of Coles and look forward to not having to travel out of the hinterland to access the supermarket.

James Aitken, Landsborough

Ben Bennett Bushland Park in Caloundra deserves to be revered.

The Sunshine Coast was once covered in beautiful bushland, as is evident by the presence of remnant habitat trees and varied bush habitats in Ben Bennett Park. A true wonderland.

I have lived in Maleny for 26 years and around five years ago I joined a walking group based on the Coast. This is how I learnt about the small pockets of bushland saved largely through the efforts of local communities. These are now oases that provide relief from the continual rush and noise of the Coast. Yes, it is an oasis for humans, and for other creatures equally deserving of a place to be.

I see that the roads planned to invade parts of Ben Bennett Park, whether they be one or two lanes, will strike a death knell for this already pocket-sized reserve. There are other ways the Coast (and hinterland) could have developed – ways that build nature into urban design by linking urban planning and design to the basic needs and survival of native plants and animals. This means that urban planners and developers follow a series of steps, usually set early in the planning process, to achieve a positive outcome for biodiversity.

Sadly, although largely missing this opportunity, we can at least protect precious remnant habitats. All levels of government are required to engage stakeholders, including community.

Some of the reasons for protecting Ben Bennett Park and other bushland reserves include connecting to nature to increase our own health and wellbeing, contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation, and to conserve biodiversity.

In regards to the roads, the current global trend is to reduce the need for more cars and roads, and to invest in walking, cycling and public transport. For example, Wales now has a moratorium on road building.

It is not too late to protect Ben Bennett Park from destruction, listen to community stakeholders and explore alternative options to preserve the bushland as former shire councillor Ben Bennett intended back in 1969.

Marcelle Holdaway, Maleny

The state government’s moves to spend more than $2 million on a plan for a 1.5km bike path, with none of the money going towards construction, is an outrageous budget bungle.

The Mooloolaba to Maroochydore Cycleway (Stage 6) from Mari Street at Alexandra Headland to Sixth Avenue at Maroochydore was sent back to the drawing board in 2020 over community concerns about impact upon public spaces, with the state government promising not to remove construction dollars. However, none of the funds to construct the bike and footpaths have been put back into the budget and the new plan won’t be finalised until 2024.

Is $2 million good value for a plan with no construction dollars? I don’t think so. This bungle treats the community with contempt. The community wanted a better design that kept them safe and didn’t form a barrier to the beach, but they still wanted something to happen that met their expectations. With no timeframe from the government to build a suitable design, that’s a broken promise.

The cost of the plan and design is over the top for a simple project. You’d think they were designing a velodrome – after three years of talking, stakeholder meetings and millions being spent for planning and design, there’s still not one shovel in the ground.

More of this price tag should have gone on building community infrastructure to keep pedestrians and bike users safe in a design sympathetic with the multiple parkland and beach users in this space, rather than the spending on planning, without construction, which is excessive and disappointing.

Fiona Simpson, State Member for Maroochydore

I always shop local where possible, so we have always gone to Woolworths Buderim.

I went to the deli section of the now-Metro store but there was no shortcut bacon. “Please go to the pre-packaged section.” What about chicken breast? “Sorry, you’ll have to go to the pre-packaged section.”

Now we all know pre-packaged costs more, so if this continues we will have no choice but to go elsewhere. Such a shame.

Ray Dale, Buderim

A number of years ago in Maleny and district we had a five-day power outage due to high-voltage storm damage.

We had no power, phone or internet and had to travel to Beerwah to withdraw cash to buy food and so on at IGA. If there is a major power outage most functions of daily living are compromised and cash is all you have. The internet needs power to function, so we then go back to the 18th century.

Big brother wants to control us the same as China does to its citizens. Say no to no cash.

Richard Courtenay, Witta

I went to K’gari years ago. I was guilty of feeding the dingoes as they’re so tame, like dogs.

I saw red though when they had to be put down. It really annoys me that if an animal doesn’t act how we think it should that some have the right to end its life.

How about some tough penalties, or banning tourism there for a while, so the island can readjust. But wait, can’t do that, government coffers wouldn’t be as full then, would they?

Lorraine Rice, Chermside West

Sunshine Coast Council’s approval of a retirement village, whilst following the relevant planning laws, demonstrates the mismatch between claims our council is clean and green and the reality of the wholesale clearing of stands of Queensland blue gum to enable this.

Peter Bradford, Highworth

How unrealistic is it for the Noosa business associations and real estate companies to call for someone to provide rental accommodation in the shire for $450 or less per week, when even the most basic of old houses are selling for around $800,000, which means that rent has to be at least $800 for the owner to make even a modest return on their investment.

If the business people are so altruistically inclined, why don’t they pool a portion of their profits and subsidise purchases of these houses for $450,000 and then rent them out cheaply? Not likely.

Alan Ward, Buderim

• What is happening to our democracy? Our trust in our government is at an all-time low and the mainstream media must wear a lot of the blame. There has been a normalisation of misinformation and disinformation over time, and it is particularly evident during the current referendum campaign.

Misinformation, obfuscation and lies are the key focus of the right-wing scare campaign against a Voice to parliament.

Why does the media not call out those spreading lies? Once lying was unacceptable, we expected better. These days it is seen as a smart way of winning and hang the consequences, especially to the people involved or your opponents.

As a democratic country, we need a strong, ethical and independent media to hold truth to power.

Seek out the truth and see through the anti-voice propaganda. Make a positive change for our nation and vote yes.

Robyn Deane, Bli Bli

• There is much made of “bad” news in the media – too much. Well here is a good news story that demonstrates that there are many good people living on the Coast.

I recently purchased an expensive Apple Watch (mainly so that I could record ECGs for my doctor at odd times). Though the watch does its job well, the band provided continually sprung open, causing the watch to fall off.

Unbeknown to me this happened again in Caloundra last week at the IGA car park. A kind person found it on the ground and placed it on the bonnet of a nearby car. Unfortunately I was long gone and did not realise the watch was even gone until my daughter rang me and asked if I had my new watch. I looked down, sure enough it was gone.

My daughter had jumped in her car and was on her way to the IGA car park in response to a call from a young couple who had found the watch on the bonnet of their car. Being technology literate (unlike me) they had searched the watch details, found that I had often called my daughter and then rang her and asked her to collect it. In the meantime, they fixed the band and advised that I should have a password on the watch.

I would love to be able to thank them personally, but in lieu I would like to thank them and all those good people in Caloundra whose first reaction when faced with such an event is to try to help. The watch is now firmly on my wrist (with a new locking band). Thank you to my unknown benefactors.

Ron Beattie, Shelly Beach

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