I am writing this shortly after the running of the Melbourne Cup, which was quite an eventful day for yours truly.
The day before, someone asked me who I was backing.
At that stage, I hadn’t even looked at the field.
So that night, I had a look and found a horse called Ashrun.
It was number 11, drawing barrier 11.
I did some research, and that barrier has had the most winners in the Cup.
As it was my favourite number, the only thing left was to ask whether it could actually run faster than its namesake.
Form suggested it could and, at 25-1, I was set.
I went to bed quite confident and even more so, I dreamt it was winning halfway up the straight until I was awoken by my dog George, which was in the process of spewing on my sheets and quilt.
I must say, the weird noise dogs make in the lead-up to spewing would make a great alarm because you wake up quick but, alas, not quick enough.
It was 4.11am, so I wondered, ‘Was that another omen?’
After I cleaned one mess up, I went out in the backyard to find another.
Did I mention I have synthetic grass?
I was still hopeful.

I got to work for our Cup function at Alex Surf Club and was checking the PA.
I found that the TVs and the sound had a delay, which was a worry, but I was assured it would be rectified by race time.
So, I was told to check the microphone – which I did, with a few swear words.
Now I thought the PA was just in the one room but, no, it was throughout the building. We were open and – you guessed it – it was 10.11am.
There were only a couple of people in the main bar I had to apologise to.
But then I get a visit from a police sergeant who informed me they were having a conference downstairs and were concerned about my wellbeing … but more so about the swearing.
So after more apologising, my day got better.
That was until the race and, of course, Ashrun ran bloody fourth.
One more length and I would have doubled my money, but it was not to be.
Last week, I learnt a few things: don’t clean up dog spew with your face washer, and I only have two types of luck – bad luck and no luck at all. Bring on 2024.
Ashley Robinson is the manager of Alex Surf Club and the chairman of the Sunshine Coast Falcons.