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Letters to the editor on bad drivers, beach car park plans, rail progress, elections and more

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Bank bucks trend by opening new branch

A bank has announced it will open a new branch on the Sunshine Coast, defying a trend by others towards closing branches. Queensland Country Bank More

Greens announce candidates for Coast electorates

The Queensland Greens have officially launched the campaigns of two candidates on the Sunshine Coast, ahead of the federal election. Sue Etheridge and Renay Wells, More

Photo of the day: last light

“Dusk at the summit of Port Arkwright is a common spot for locals to wind down,” writes Ashraf Saleh. If you have a photo of More

B2B: Have you got your workforce plan in place?

Building a workforce plan is essential for businesses. The workforce plan helps align the organisation’s human resources with its strategic goals and objectives. Step 1: Review More

On the way: cyclone heads towards coast

Tropical Cyclone Alfred is bearing down on South-East Queensland, where communities are preparing for its arrival within days. The Category 2 system, which was tracking More

‘Difficult decision’: triathlon rescheduled amid cyclone threat

One of the Sunshine Coast's premier events has been cancelled because of the impending arrival of Tropical Cyclone Alfred. The Mooloolaba Triathlon, which attracts more More

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

With candidates nominating for local government elections, can we pause for a moment to think about how fortunate we really are.

These people give us a choice of who we vote for. Most have put on hold their careers and normal lives to be part of the contest. Most will be attacked in social media and subject to personal criticism. Most are running because they honestly believe they can do the best job of representing their local area and the region.

The optional preferential system of voting means that we can choose to vote for as many as we want, or just one candidate. While many candidates, especially for the mayor, will probably choose to say ‘just vote 1 for me’, allegiances with other candidates and with supporters tell us more about their motives and importantly their financial backers. Donations of $500 or more are listed on the Electoral Commission website.

At a recent gathering I heard someone ask a mayoral aspirant: “What is your policy on the arts?” It really doesn’t matter because this is a personal point of view and in the end a mayor only has a casting vote at best. Local government is a numbers game and the majority will decide. What is needed are people who will read the enormous amount of information they will be given, ask questions and understand its implications, inform and invite comment from their local community before making decisions and vote without vested interests.

I sincerely want to thank everyone who nominates for public office because the prize the winners receive is ongoing public comment on what they do, what they say and even how they look. Can we try to keep it civilised?

Elaine Ricketts, Maleny

It’s almost beyond belief that all levels of our government keep promising huge spending on proposed but much-needed traffic and transport infrastructure when previous projects seem to sit unfunded, such as heavy rail to Beerwah.

Surely more money will be found to do yet another business case or similar here.

I have read the planning for rapid transit busses from Kawana is underway. Would it not be better to complete one project at a time, then study the outcome and plan and finish the next, before wasting taxpayer money planning what may ultimately not be ideal.

We in Caloundra are still waiting for the Caloundra Road roundabout gridlocks to be resolved.

Gary Ryan, Caloundra

The proposed closing of the Mooloolaba beachside car park by the council I feel is very misguided.

Has anyone heard of a car park closing with unanimous support? A claim of 84 per cent of 3000 supporting closure raises a very serious question: was is it a true representation?

It is common that minority and proactive influences do not always give the true picture, compared to a very thorough survey. Special emphasis should have been taken to the effects on beachfront businesses. They will suffer in non-holiday times without a doubt.

Others affected include board riders, car-sitting elderly and incapacitated and low-income groups, to name a few. Every car space possible is needed, without a money grab by a council that has obviously lost touch with the people. The car park can be made beautiful: use your imagination. Stop this plan – wait for a new council.

Brian Pike, Currimundi

I was surprised to read the article on vitamins and supplements by Jane Stephens.

Where is the research to back her claims?

She claims that “supplements might just be giving us expensive urine”.

However, this only applies to excess water-soluble vitamins and not fat-soluble ones stored in the body. This is a significant difference that needs to be taken into account. Furthermore, the author claims that the government does not recommend supplements. But a quick review would show that this is not the case. Better Health Victoria is an excellent resource to start with.

In addition, 95 per cent of Australians do not consume enough vegetables and fruit, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics – hello nutrient deficiencies. Many Australians are deficient in vitamin D, too. A recent study showed that multivitamin supplements can improve brain function in adults (because of the reduced ability to consume enough healthy food or the reduced ability to absorb nutrients with age or the presence of illness).

Several evidence-based studies suggest that women should take prenatal vitamins before and during pregnancy, and the government urges women to take prenatal supplements. This is very important.

It is incorrect to assume that all supplements are ineffective; individual differences, illnesses and concurrent conventional medicine use can affect absorption.

It is inaccurate and a disservice to blanket all supplements in this way. This story contradicts national and international studies and government advice. Unlike this article, research and informed decisions are what it is all about.

Lastly, I would like to know which pharmacists and pharmacy assistants the author has spoken to so I can avoid them when shopping.

Belinda Webb, Sydney

Dogs are not people. Dogs do not pick up after themselves. Dogs do not purchase items. Dogs are dogs: friendly (most), companions, some say “mate”, “baby” and other.

Please, let’s not give over our beaches. Even allocated areas have dog-related rubbish and faeces. Yes, it’s up to the owners to be responsible but why should the non-owners and/or those who leave their dogs at home put up with it?

As for going to the shops and being held up because of dog owner behaviour blocking the aisle and onlookers slowing down to observe. Do it in a dog play area, which are everywhere, and let people enjoy their time at the shop.

And what about the trolley use. Are they being sanitised after use? “Oh, my dog isn’t dirty.”

Leave them at home in a safe dog environment. Make sure they have plenty of water and food available.

Craig Moody, Mooloolaba 

Whether it’s the Bruce Highway, Sunshine Motorway, Nicklin Way and other main roads, there is congestion. The need for extra lanes will be unavoidable, but if council takes the time and surveys why there is traffic chaos they would observe what is apparently obvious to those who travel on these roads.

Why is it that there are many drivers who travel on average between 15-20km/h under the speed limit? Nicklin Way and Sunshine Motorway are classic and frustrating examples.

Slowing before approaching a speed camera when slow enough already? Many vehicles are travelling at well below the speed of let’s say 70km/h but when nearing the speed detection they tap their brakes to slow further.

Slowing when nearing traffic lights, road signs of any type, or overhead traffic notification causes a chain reaction of braking and, before you know it, we are down to 30km/h in a 90km/h zone. This makes merging more difficult for vehicles travelling at a higher speed (within the limit), causing the merging traffic to slow, and then there is congestion at the on-ramp and further beyond.

To continue traffic flow from a merging on-ramp would be perfect, but mergers, if you can’t then you must give way. You do not have the right to cut in front of other drivers and squeeze in. That is not safe driving.

It is ridiculous use of our roadways and drivers should be warned and fined if repeatedly causing obstruction to traffic.

If you cannot maintain a safe travelling speed close to the nominated speed then get a bus. Allow other road users to get home as expected, on time.

Craig Moody, Mooloolaba

Did Fairfax’s Ted O’Brien happen to see Andrew Forrest, the mining magnate, and his take on nuclear power on the ABC?

His company has studied the use of nuclear power and found renewables, solar and wind, “blows nuclear energy out of the water” when it comes to cost, nuclear being three to four times more expensive, and the longest time to implement. Asked why he thought the Liberal National Parties were talking up nuclear, he responded it is an immature debate, just a talking point.

In his letter, Morrison Lakey asks why Mr O’Brien is talking nuclear now after nine years in government with no action and what are his motivations. Mr Lakey asks is their empty talk a “ploy, a delay tactic to slow the transition away from fossil fuels”?

Perhaps it is because the LNP have no real energy policy or desire to address climate change.

The LNP chooses to ignore the facts. The world is going renewables. In 2022, the global energy capacity added consisted of solar 220GW; wind 7GW and nuclear came in at a mere 1.5GW of capacity.

Indeed, if Mr O’Brien was so keen on going nuclear, why did he not pursue it when in government? Why didn’t he campaign on it in 2016? Perhaps he knows it is not a vote winner and not a realistic answer to the current energy transition we must make today for the future of our planet.

Robyn Deane, Bli Bli 

Another absolutely absurd yet classical case of incompetence and skullduggery, as judged throughout the free world and over generations of unscrupulous politicians, still intent on feathering their own nests without consequence … as have their forefathers done for an eternity and in full view of the world.

What about we start paying the pollies on commission for their achievements?

L. Terrens, Alexandra Headland

  • Some locals do it tough without air-conditioning

Living without air-conditioning, can you imagine yourself trying to cool down? Even these mobile air vent vertical cooling systems can’t give you cool air. At temperatures above 30 degrees that’s impossible.

But some people are living like that, especially in social/affordable housing in Yandina and Beerwah. There are young mothers with babies and young kids suffering, while some others with mental and physical disabilities who rarely go out are suffering, and a few elderly people as well.

Management and government housing don’t care and won’t put in air-conditioning. This is or could be classed as a medical emergency to some of those people suffering.

S. Faux, Landsborough

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

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