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Letters to the editor: campsite bookings, election signs, council candidates and more

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Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

Can someone please explain why, in a council-provided, presumably taxpayer-subsidised caravan park, a family is allowed to tie up a campsite for generations?

It seems to me that public facilities should be open to the public, not the lucky group who has been coming the longest.

More people would benefit from these council-sponsored facilities if users were required to re-enter the wait list after each use. Yes, it would change the community nature of the park but from what I hear the caravan community makes friends wherever they go anyway.

So share the love please and allow others in the holidaying community to enjoy what you have been privileged to enjoy to the disadvantage of others.

Laureen Tkacik, Golden Beach

The deposit for next year has been one week’s rent for many years. The balance must be paid by November 1.

Not all sites are six weeks. There is a minimum two weeks over Christmas. Management will not let you extend on your site.

There is new management that also run Coolum I believe. The old management ran it the same. The park is much better kept now.

We have been going there for over 50 years and I think it is rubbish they won’t let family use your site if you are unable. They are still getting their money.

Jenny, Brisbane

I don’t think it’s right that people can book 12 months in advance.

It doesn’t give other people the chance to stay in the park.

Mary Beddow, Verrierdale

On Saturday, March 16, Sunshine Coast voters will exercise their democratic duty to elect a council to take the reins for the next four years.

There will be a new mayor and councillors to fill the places of those retiring with some experienced ones standing again, some who have served us well and are deserving of our votes.

While all candidates say the right thing, with effusive motherhood statements about caring for the community and the environment, in the hope of getting our votes, I hope people will get as informed as possible before casting their vote. It is impossible to meet all the candidates however there are some forums being held which are well worth the effort to attend.

Look beyond the rhetoric. As Valarie Ross in her letter said, “Our upcoming mayoral and council elections are an opportunity us to reclaim control and management of the Sunshine Coast.”

The mayor and councillors are our elected representatives. Let us be sure that they do indeed represent us and what we the residents of this wonderful area want and need for a sustainable and liveable future.

Robyn Deane, Bli Bli 

I feel that some of the development that has been done on the Sunshine Coast has been done at residents’ expense.

For one, there are a few developments that have gone ahead despite the obvious fact that flooding will now occur to residents upstream from these developments, where there has never been flooding. Who is going to pay for this? I doubt it will be the council.

I would like to know the attitude of the candidates regarding these and other developmental issues.

Jenny Wilcox, Nambour

Where did all this Maroochydore love for Caloundra suddenly come from?

Bob Ingram, Caloundra

Ed’s note: Meet the Mayoral Candidates was run in partnership with the Caloundra Chamber of Commerce so the event had a focus on the southern end of the Coast.

A question for all mayoral candidates: who knows what 3.5 metres is?

If the current list of candidates do not know the answer to this question, how could they be trusted to manage the affairs of council?

There’s a plethora of election signs outside the limits of council guidelines, some even on the gutter itself.

So can I suggest all candidates be provided with a piece of string showing them the correct distance.

John Hunt, Forest Glen

Corflute signs should be banned, or severely limited, for future elections.

There has been an absolute proliferation of corflute signage across the Sunshine Coast in the past month and locals are telling me that they don’t like it. We can do better. They are an eyesore, they’re not good for the environment, and they are wasteful. The signs attract a lot of criticism, they are vandalised and they are also regularly damaged or stolen.

A sign of Rosanna Natoli’s amid the vegetation.

The problem is, when other candidates are putting out their signs, from a marketing perspective, you can’t afford to not have your own face out there in the mix. But it feels wrong, and goes against all of the sustainability initiatives I am trying to promote. For the next council election in four years, perhaps these signs should be banned, or restricted to a certain number per division.

Residents tell me they are not happy with the visual pollution. In Noosa, signs are not allowed on council or state-owned property, leaving only private property for signage. I think the policy on the Sunshine Coast needs to be reviewed, with community consultation, so that the views of the people are reflected in our policy design on this.

This is something our community can have a say in and I will ensure that those community wishes are listened to.

Rosanna Natoli, mayoral candidate

This is so short-sighted, and as to the rural aspect … the bureaucrats really don’t know what the Sunny Coast needs or wants.

Derek Hooper, Mooloolah Valley

After I saw the plans for the project I immediately thought of the overpass we have to endure at the northern end of Steve Irwin Way, which crosses over the M1 going to Caloundra.

We call it “The Emperor’s New Clothes” as it is almost comical the amount of lights and weird angle intersections that were built into it. That overpass is downright dangerous and I have seen a few bad accidents on it already.

In today’s workplace health and safety environment we all live in the motto is “the most effective way to reduce a hazard is to eliminate it”.

The answer to the problem with all these overpasses is stop building ridiculous designs.  Whatever happened to the clover leaf design for overpasses that does away with vehicle interaction and allows for smooth non-stop merging of traffic going in various directions?

We seem to be bound to some new way of building infrastructure that makes everything more expensive and difficult to implement and leaving the motorist frustrated and worse off than before.

All those in favour say aye.

Paul Harwood, Mount Mellum.

Thank you for the plans to bring more entertainment to the region.

I’m of South American background and I’ve been living on the Sunshine Coast for four years now. I moved from Sydney where I used to go to more Latin shows. I really miss the Latin/music atmosphere. And I’m pretty sure a lot of people like me are feeling the same.

Thanks again for the plans. And make it happen please.

Nohora (Nora), Twin Waters 

I have been reading Ted O’Brien’s press releases and other communications.

His relentless support of nuclear power stations for Australia, and of course for the Sunshine Coast, is truly, madly, deeply depressing.

I agree with Morrison Lakey who wrote in the SCN that we should be skeptical of Teddy’s actual motivations.

Nuclear has a place, in countries where there is little in the way of renewable energy. Finland, Sweden and other parts of northern Europe generally have low solar insolation and can have longer spells without wind. It makes sense. Firm up the renewables with nuclear and batteries.

The cost however is enormous. Try $300 per Megawatt Hour (MWh). That is 10 times, yes 10, the cost for solar or wind. Yikes. Imagine 10 times your current bill.

So, Ted can’t really be serious about either the reliability of the grid or cost, because nuclear is demonstrably neither cheap, nor reliable.

Nor is it available.

The following is the best summary of the latest reactor builds, the thrice cursed Hinkley C in England, like its brothers in France and Finland, which the Financial Times called “an unmitigated disaster”.

There are missed timelines and eye-watering cost blowouts.

The Hinkley C build cost has gone from nine billion pounds initially to a mind-boggling 48 billion pounds – that is $92 billion. That is a lot of houses, or two submarines. The completion date has gone from 2017 to 2031. Yeah, right, let’s call it 2040ish eh?

The cost to the taxpayer doesn’t end there of course. There is 30-year takeoff clause. This guarantees the developer EDF France 30 years at full price $300/MWh and at full capacity.

Ted is well aware of this. I have sent all of this stuff to him, without reply.

So, let’s call him and Dutts (Peter Dutton) out on this. It’s just another bait and switch. They are prepared to sideline the safest, cleanest, most reliable and cheapest form of energy in order to squeeze us for more for longer.

The switch to nuclear is a mirage and cannot be serious.

Australia has the best wind and solar resources of any country on earth. We should use it, we are using it, it’s incredibly cheap, and there is global heating problem with fossil fuels, remember.

Marcus Finch, Moffat Beach

If you’re bitten by a dingo on their territory it’s your fault, not the fault of the dingo or the authorities. A risk you take if you go there.

Snakes are protected by law, whether they bite or not.

Why should dingoes even have to wear tracking collars?

Rosie McDonnell, Pelican Waters

Will anyone/someone who is running for council please consider the idea of making people park all their caravans, buses, jet skis, campervans and coats etc on their own property or at least put them in a storage facility while not being used.

If they can afford all these toys surely they can find proper storage places for them instead of clogging up our streets. No one is immune to this blase attitude.

The ‘Golden Triangle’ in Alex is a prime example. You can hardly get one car through the mayhem of our local streets and then no parking for the rate-paying residents.

Noela Coulter, Mooloolaba

It has recently come to the notice of residents surrounding Judy Henzell Park in Pelican Waters that a proposed off-leash dog area is scheduled to go ahead later this year.

Little to no consultation was undertaken by the local council with the homeowners that live in Agincourt Street, Lockyer Place, Lander Street and Kalowendha Avenue, and these are the people whose lives will be directly affected by this dog park, not other residents of Pelican Waters who travel to use the park. There were no notices put in letterboxes or noticeable signs in the park itself to alert people of the proposal. There are elderly people in the area who do not have access to computers to complete a online survey. Council does not intend to install off-street car parking, which will add congestion to our already narrow streets.

The park is already a lovely area for families to enjoy and a dog park will detract from the overall look of our park. There is no need for another dog park in Pelican Waters as the nearest dog park is a mere 10 minutes away at Golden Beach. Residents directly affected by this proposal have contacted councillor Terry Landsberg to voice their opinions, but have been told no decision will be made until after the elections in March. This is not good enough as the residents of these surrounding streets would like to know now as that may affect the way they place their vote.

All online indications are that the off-leash dog park is a definite go ahead, with mapping of where the fencing and other structures are to be placed.

Please listen and take notice of what the residents of this area are saying and say a definite no to this dog park.

Suzanne Appleton, Pelican Waters

When is the government going to treat e-scooters as “motor-driven machines” and make them have to be registered and insured?

The government is missing out on potential millions of dollars in revenue. Also, for the safety aspect. What happens when some 12-year-old on an e-scooter bowls you over? Who do you claim damages from?

Colin Mcallister, Caloundra

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

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