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Letters to the editor: new council, illegal camping, Bonza and more

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Wedding venue proposed for lakefront site

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Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.

Congratulations mayor Natoli and to all the other elected councillors on their win in the recent local government council elections.

One thing that I sincerely hope never happens with the Sunshine Coast Council elections is that it descends into a party political contest. The Brisbane City Council election is a sad example of this. Political party elections, if needed at all, need to be restricted to state and federal only. When local council elections become a fight between the political parties (Labor, LNP, Greens etc) a significant proportion of ratepayers lose an active voice in their future. Political parties will always support decisions that are favoured by the voters they are courting, always to the disadvantage of others.

On another council election issue, Mr (Ashley) Robinson was quoted saying Rosanna and Joe Natoli are “pretty well going to be able to shape the Sunshine Coast in the way they want to shape it.” That may or may not be good news for the Sunshine Coast residents. We do not want the Sunshine Coast to become “Natoliland”, but rather hope that Rosanna and Joe Natoli will be part of a council team that ensures the ratepayers’ voices will finally be heard, quite refreshingly distinct to the previous Sunshine Coast Council’s refined skill at having a “fingers in the ears” mentality, largely oblivious to the many valid voices that have been raised by residents over many years. Such contempt for the ratepayers will hopefully be now something left in the past.

Phillip Adamson, Maroochydore

This is an issue that can be solved in a different way.

People in vans and rooftop tents are nothing to be scared away by council workers. They are not harming anyone. It’s easy to blame them for leaving rubbish. But the reality is otherwise.

In my opinion it would be better if council provided for free overnight camping in other, equally attractive spots with facilities and collect garbage regularly. Far more efficient than pestering with fines.

Rooftop tents are here to stay and this lifestyle should be encouraged in Australia rather than pester with stupid fines.

Council, please get in touch with people.

B.Stoelen, Mt Coolum

If you are the type of individual who doesn’t like to plan or schedule anything, loves last minute surprises and definitely doesn’t care about being stranded at crowded airports then Bonzo is for you.

I must admit that their Russian roulette destination booking service lives up to and indeed exceeds all expectations. Okay, you book where you would like to go and then those cheeky Bonzo team members throw a dice to advise you where you will go but then wait, there’s more. At the last minute, just for a laugh they pull out the Joker, cancel the flight for ‘maintenance reasons’ but really it’s for lack of passengers.

Absolutely hilarious, couldn’t stop laughing and full credit to the Bonzo CEO management trainee. And here’s the really good part, when you’re at the airport and they cancel, they tell you ‘sorry, but we can’t help you, but we’ll be flying again in a few days if you want to book again’. Absolutely rebooking is a must because they want you to experience the same thing over and over and over again. Good on ya Bonzo, you legends and to anyone reading this: hurry, book now because it won’t be long till good old Bonzo is no more.

Alan Robinson, Bowen

It may seem like ancient history but I believe the first direct flights from Maroochydore to Launceston were operated by the long-gone East-West Airlines (EWA) in the late 1970s or early 1980s.

East-West used the F27 Fokker Friendship and the service usually arrived in Launceston on a Sunday afternoon. EWA renamed one of their aircraft  “City of Launceston” to celebrate the connection between the two cities.

I can recall on one occasion seeing the rare sight of six F27s lined up side by side at the Launceston Airport terminal, one from East-West and the other five being a mixture of TAA and Ansett aircraft” two other airlines that have long since disappeared from Australian skies.

Dennis Murray, South Launceston

I have been involved in this issue as a volunteer for National Parks.

Many people do not cancel their booking because they do not receive a refund. They perhaps change their mind or illness arises or fore some other reason do not use the site.

Yes, perhaps selfish but it’s their call in the end. They have paid, will not get a refund because they have left their decision to attend too late. The only solution is a refund or the opportunity to use the site at a later date. The site becomes available for another person to book.

Always going to be a hard one.

Annie Smart, NSW 

The unoccupied council building would be ideal for a community homeless shelter, at a low cost to people.

Council should enforce owners of empty houses and apartments to rent to homeless families, at low rent. Too many houses are sitting empty in suburbs, people could be in them Council and social housing should work together to build small houses for low income families.  More council owned caravan parks are needed. Use council vacant land.

Please help the housing crisis. We urgently need more houses.

Jan, Logan

The TAFE building in Tewantin has been empty for years. It’s walking distance (or bus) to schools and shops.

L Fowler, Boreen Point 

Point Cartwright laws do not ban dogs off-leash.

May I point you to the Sunshine Coast Council website and local signage. But thank you for your statement, as our lives have been so much less stressful since the off-leash dog access has been restricted.

However, a very small percentage of dog owners in the past have spoilt the area for us all. With a few animals running riot, poo uncollected and uncontrolled barking. Not their fault but their owners.

All people deserve to live in peace away from others’ selfish actions.

My family have always been dog owners but some people are scared of dogs and possibly for good reasons. And so we are sensitive to others and always have our dog well within our control and we follow the signage about access points and we clean up our mess.

Point Cartwright is also an important wildlife area with over 30 turtle nests last year with around 60 baby turtles in each one. However, dogs run unrestricted over these important sites everyday and chase away the shore birds.

The Sunshine Coast Council has correctly made a plan for this area and implemented it well. We all have had to compromise so everyone can enjoy this area, instead of one group demanding their rights over the rights of everyone else. I must say that many people were truly appalled at the bullying tactics and poor behaviour of a small group of people about this matter, before and during the recent elections.

Thank you Sunshine Coast Council for implementing a sensible plan for all users of the Point Cartwright reserve, including; wildlife, surfers, picnickers, walkers, fisherfolk, dog owners, cyclists, sun lovers, local residents, day visitors, joggers, and holidaying families. We are a diverse group but if we are all prepared to clean up after ourselves, compromise, be sensitive and care for each other, we can all get along and enjoy this wonderful friendly area. Where else do so many people smile and say g’day, like the Sunshine Coast?

Tony Willis, Buddina

  • Wartorn love letters call to action

I am not sure if readers saw the call by the Australian War Memorial on Valentine’s Day for volunteers to transcribe handwritten love letters from the front lines.

Perhaps we had our minds on loved ones closer to home.

The heartfelt letters are an intimate insight into the daily lives of couples separated by war.

Images of thousands of handwritten letters have been released on the Memorial’s digital platform transcribe.awm.gov.au

An army of volunteers is needed to help decipher the scripts online.

Volunteers typing out text in the comfort of their homes can make it easier for historians, descendants, and the community to access the precious love letters.

Among the collection is a letter from Dorothy Keshan and her husband Malcolm “Mac” William Keshan, who was a prisoner of war in Germany from 1941-45.

“The only good thing about all this passing time is that each day brings you a little closer, I feel pretty certain that it won’t be much longer sweetheart,” she wrote to him in one of hundreds of letters between the pair.

“All this time passing only makes me miss you so more and more, and – I’m waiting for you Mac.”

With Anzac Day approaching, volunteering to transcribe love letters online is an action worth considering in commemorating those who fought for us while desperately missing their sweethearts.

Lest we forget.

Garry Reynolds, Peregian Springs

  • Excessive vehicle noise

It would seem that excessive vehicle noise is on the increase, be it cars or motorbikes.

It is disappointing that we have to endure this trend.  A survey along the busy Aerodrome Road and Alexandra Parade would identify the culprits particularly during weekends.

Our local buses are also a contributor with the incessant habit of engaging second and first gears for unnecessary long intervals when approaching traffic lights. Roll on the electric bus fleet.

Anthony Robinson, Alexandra Headland

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.


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