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Letters to the editor: private park plan, riverside camping, Bunnings dogs and more

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Wedding venue proposed for lakefront site

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Photo of the day: rolling clouds

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A 20-metre stretch of grass usually separates the Caloundra Power Boat Club from the water. But waves were on Tuesday lapping at its floor as More

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.

I wonder if Mr Gilad Bakas sought engineering opinion before embarking on his earthmoving escapade? The reason I ask is that it is possible that the $1 million he spent and is trying to recoup could escalate considerably if the side of the hill should slide away, taking the road with it.

Many years ago, in a similar location, I received advice that excavating cleared rainforest land on the side of a hill was fraught with danger as there is nothing to stabilise the ground once the surface covering is disturbed.

I wish him well, but I have my doubts as to the advisability of his actions.

Tom Swann, Currimundi

The monstrous land devastation beneath Bald Knob says it all – money is to be made by destroying the natural environment.

Meanwhile, our local council stands by, wringing its hands and saying it’s all within the law.  What a joke. And who’s going to pay for the mess when summer storms wash away all that piled up dirt?

There’s no financial gains from conservation or habitat restoration. No wonder our koala and other wildlife populations are fast vanishing.

Paul Prociv, Mount Mellum

Interesting to see complaints and council issuing notices. I don’t agree with that unless these campers leave a mess.

Campground fees can be higher than rent: that’s why it’s happening. You drive people to the point they run out of funds and this is the result.

It will only get worse and could end in serious mental illness and violence.

Kevin Saunders, Gold Coast

How come there is none of this problem out in remote areas of central Australia (maybe there is?) or any other area that is not right on the beach.

There’s plenty of room out there, why not go out there if they are genuine and not fussy homeless people and just want somewhere to camp until council or otherwise tells them to move on.

Sure, I’d love to live (or camp) on the beach as opposed to central Australia. Who wouldn’t?

R. Formigoni, Brisbane

In the matter of so-called illegal camping, councils need only adopt an attitude of compassion.

Appointed officers need only visit campers, identify them, ascertain their circumstances and ask those that are freeloading to move on. Those that have a genuine plight, police the rubbish and untidiness and leave them be.

Jeff Hirschausen, Gympie 

It’s sad that in times like these those who find illegal camping so disturbing that they feel it necessary to complain about it.

Maybe a little leeway at this time is warranted. A lot of people are doing it tough and compassion is a powerful attribute. Hopefully, those who find the subject distasteful could consider walking a mile in the other person’s shoes. I pray daily for the quality of understanding.

Kerry Burke, Keperra

I have complained to council many times about this issue. It’s not just that Bli Bli spot, it’s also along Picnic Point Esplanade, at Cotton Tree surf beach entrance next to the caravan park, Mooloolaba on the street and in the car parks all the way down from the Spit, at Alex Head at the car park overlooking the ocean – and they’re just the spots I visit.

I suggested council use their parking meter video recording cars at night-time to patrol the various hotspots (along rivers, the ocean and so on) to monitor which cars are doing it often, for long periods, moving to different spots regularly as opposed to one-off campers who are passing through town, and respond appropriately. They did not indicate they would be open to the idea.

Ratepayers are sick of having people – not all homeless by the way, many are just travelling and seeing the sights – paying nothing to camp at premium locations overlooking rivers, the ocean and parkland. Council needs to get tougher on this.

Aimee Clark, Maroochydore

I found the story very uneasy. I live permanently in my ’97 Coaster and mainly stay in ‘free/donation’ camps. I only have a permanent address for Centrelink requirements, I’m an aged pensioner and live full-time in my bus. I couldn’t afford to live continuously in a caravan park due to their very high costs, not to mention many other things. I don’t have any animals or even a generator but rely on my solar and gas to keep me going and occasionally have to go to a caravan park for a charge-up, washing etc.

There are many travellers who own their own home, have nest eggs and only travel four to six months of the year. Many, not all, expect ‘free’ camping along the way and rarely go to caravan parks. This situation has caused much havoc for those of us who live full-time in our set-ups because our funds are limited.

Caravan parks have been dictating to councils for too long and getting away with saying their parks should be utilised more and free camps closed. It should be also noted that those parks are either leased from council or been previously sold by council. People will not stop and spend money in those towns if you close them out, as there is more to life than caravan parks (eg Kershaw Gardens in Rockhampton). We all have overheads no matter where we live or what we do but our money only goes so far.

As for rubbish, toilet paper and so on, those grubs will always exist no matter what set-up people have and it’s mainly locals who dump rubbish. Some campers with amazing set-ups don’t care as they won’t be back.

Some people need to rest on their travels and some abuse their stays but for many of us it’s our way of life and since Covid it has become so much worse by the wannabes and many more homelessness people, not to mention those who think they’re entitled from their other comfy homes.

I’m not sure if I’ve put on a better light on it, but it’s freedom camping to those of us who live full-time. I don’t leave any mess and contribute to those little and big towns who give me something in return.

Jan, no fixed address

Why are these people complaining? If they have a home, why don’t they invite the homeless into their homes to sleep if they are so worried about the park? It’s the greedy who got us all into this mess. Selfish people who can’t mind their own business. Are they (campers and homeless) in your way at night? What are you doing out?

Campers in vans and homeless people, usually both under the same heading, can’t afford the rent or cost of living. I can’t afford it either and will be joining them shortly. Let people live. If they are respectful and clean up after themselves what really is the issue? If there was a $100,000 camper I’d be asking questions but it’s people just trying to live the best way they can right now. The world is falling apart. Do some good, not complain.

No name provided, Caloundra

Continuing the theme of the new council reviewing some of decisions of the previous council, I think a review of the expansion of Twin Waters needs consideration.

Development on coastal flood plains has caused many problems in the past and with climate change well and truly upon us, the errors made around the country cannot be repeated here on the Sunshine Coast. The development was approved with a proviso that an evacuation area be put aside for residents. It is almost saying that council and the developer know too well that the area will flood and the evacuation area or centre will be there to allay resident concerns.

Home and contents insurance has skyrocketed because of the effects of climate change and this will continue because of poorly considered planning approvals.

G.J. Cee, Mount Coolum

I don’t feel the Sunshine Coast having e-transport is a good idea after seeing how they are in Brisbane.

They run pedestrians off the footpath and they fly up behind you, making you jump out of the way. They are a hazard and misused by too many. They get left where they run out, you see them lying around all over the place and the helmets are left in gardens as people don’t want to use the shared helmets. Our beautiful coast does not need them and we don’t need the accidents, nor do the police need more issues to chase after. You cannot control the speed people ride them at and you do not have the place without sharing footpaths with pedestrians. It is not safe.

I have to visit the Queensland Children’s Hospital regularly and have had to pull my child in close to prevent being run over on the footpath outside the hospital. People should feel safe on the footpath. It is not the case they really are dangerous.

Kristy Dowler, Currimundi

I have lodged a response to council’s request for feedback relating to the EV scooters and bikes operation on footpaths.

In summary, until such time a council has dedicated bikeways then their operation should be halted. Having scooter and bikes on walkways (footpaths) is an accident waiting to happen. They travel at ridiculous speed, riders fail to wear helmets and many times there are multiple riders on one scooter.

It’s like putting the horse before the cart. How a councillor could recommend this trial on the basis they are healthy and safe is very concerning. Surely, without dedicated bike paths we should not allow them into our shire.

Des Forrester, Maroochydore

I have first-hand experience of the perils of dogs in Bunnings and the company policy of dogs as a priority.

I was bitten by a dog in Bunnings and the bite drew blood on my hand. I was so shocked and although I told the owner they were nonplussed about the situation. It was not only painful but distressing. If I had been a child it would have been my face and not my hand that was bitten.

I feel for the dogs that get frightened and trodden on too. Leave your dogs at home.

Karen Neuendorf, Buderim

It didn’t take long before the big-spending council heads get out and about.

With quotes like “it’s imperative that I attend and I was going to pay but they insisted” – very believable … just like “the cat ate my lunch money”.

Out of the hundreds of thousands of dollars that the mayor and her councillor husband get paid, by funds from us ratepayers, you would think that they would decline this trip. It’s so transparent, it’s sickening. It’s eight years away from the Olympics that will be here in Queensland and the new mayor has only just arrived.

What will be the actual tally in dollars by the time the Olympics arrive?

Jim Forbes, Nambour

I support the views of Brian Smith and D. Jacks regarding this issue.

It’s as plain as the nose on your face that each unit requires more than two parking spaces, especially if it has three bedrooms. Surely it’s obvious. You can also include requirements for FIFOs, who can be away for extended periods with their car(s) parked in the streets. It’s a common problem everywhere while councils and developers turn a blind eye.

I wouldn’t be surprised if councils had a legal responsibility to provide for two-way street traffic or declare it a one-way street. It’s hard to understand how Grant T. can’t see this.

S. Rogers, Coolum Beach

If the Sunshine Coast Council thinks they are going to block the redevelopment of the old sawmill site at Palmview by relying on the rural zoning of the area, they have a similar mindset as King Canute of old. Canute tried to hold back the tide, and failed.

Here we have the council trying to hold back the redevelopment of an old sawmill site, when there is a dirty great highway running right past, a fun park on the other side of the road and a housing development behind the site. The zoning of rural is so far out of date it’s not funny.

Council, stop wasting our rates money fighting this in court and rezone the area as well as giving permission for the proposed development.

Tom Swann, Currimundi

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.

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