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New-look council reveals details of budget that 'benefits all residents'

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Sunshine Coast Council has handed down a budget that is focused on community spaces and infrastructure, and includes a $100 increase to household rates and charges.

Mayor Rosanna Natoli said the 2024/2025 budget – the first for the recently-elected council – includes benefits for all residents in the region.

“Community is at the heart of every decision made in this budget,” she said.

“We’re improving transport, roads, pathways and community facilities, ensuring smoother travel and better sports and community spaces.

“Our residents will be supported thanks to increased pensioner rates concessions, initiatives for housing and family violence prevention and programs to shape a healthy, connected community.

“We’ve also made changes to our rate charges, to ensure fairness despite the state’s increased property valuations.”

Caloundra will receive $27.2 million to progress a new district library and community heart.

“Our local businesses and our economy are being supported with a capital works program that is creating jobs.

“Our environment is also front and centre with projects and programs that protect our habitat, rejuvenate our ecosystems and restore our coastal areas.

“This council wanted this budget to contain benefits for all residents no matter where they live, from the north to the south, east to west and everywhere in between.

“We are mindful of our community’s expectations and want to deliver the high standard of services our residents and visitors deserve while balancing that with being financially responsible.”

More than $3.4 million will be dedicated to the Eumundi Town Centre.

Significant expenditure will include: $27.2 million to finalise construction of the new district library and community meeting space at Caloundra; $25 million to reseal and rehabilitate the region’s road network; $18.1 million to continue construction of the Honey Farm Sports and Recreation Precinct; and $17.5 million to construct the Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade. Scroll down for a full list of expenses and projects.

Homeowners will contribute about $2050, an increase of about $100, for rates and charges.

“This budget understands that many in our community have been impacted by cost-of-living pressures affecting so many across our nation,” Mayor Natoli said.

“While council is required, by law, to use the state government’s valuation figures to calculate the general rate, we have made adjustments to mitigate the full impact of the valuation increase.

“The majority of owner-occupiers will remain on the minimum general rate of $1477 per annum, an increase of $70.50 per annum.

“Overall, rates and charges, including waste and levies, for the majority of owner occupiers on the minimum general rate will increase by less than $2 a week to $2053 per annum.

“This has been balanced with the challenge of accommodating the increasing costs of delivering infrastructure and services.

“I am also pleased to announce that all eligible pensioners will benefit from a 5 per cent increase in their pensioner rate concession. We are also mindful that many people may be experiencing financial hardship and we encourage them to contact council before their rates are due to arrange a payment-by-instalments agreement over a six-month period, without interest being charged.”

Sunshine Coast Council’s 2024-25 budget is designed to create healthier and happier communities.

Mayor Natoli said many Sunshine Coast are experiencing significant housing affordability challenges and there are increased levels of homelessness.

“Council recognises that this is a situation that is difficult to quickly rectify and one that requires effort from all tiers of government, as well as the private sector, relevant industry associations and peak bodies as well as community housing organisations,” she said.

“This budget will continue to support the initiatives of the Sunshine Coast Housing and Homelessness Action Plan 2023.

“This includes providing infrastructure charges rebates for eligible community organisations, a reduced Development Application fee for not-for-profit development applicants and a New Planning Scheme that will consider opportunities for more diverse housing types across the region.

“We will investigate affordable and social housing development opportunities, including funding and partnership models, using underutilised and suitable council land and/or buildings.

“We are also providing new funding to employ a Public Safety Liaison Officer, who will work in public spaces with people who are experiencing homelessness, to enhance safety, connection and, when appropriate, assist linking them with support services and pathways to exit homelessness.”

Mayor Natoli said the budget will support council’s Regional Economic Development Strategy, which is designed to grow jobs, increase exports and elevate incomes.

“Council is working closely with small businesses as well as promoting the Sunshine Coast as an ideal location for start-ups, scale-ups and investors,” she said.

Meanwhile, the Environment Levy will be used to protect and enhance valued natural environment, including native plants and animals, waterways and wetlands and coastal areas.

The Transport Levy will go towards pedestrian safety and future public transport needs, with contributions to the Sunshine Coast Public Transport project and the Direct Sunshine Coast Rail project. The levy will also support trial transport services in the hinterland, and investigate a high-frequency, hop-on, hop-off bus service linking key coastal destinations.

The Arts and Heritage Levy will develop and deliver projects that provide career pathways for local artists and programs to build local participants and audiences, and to support council’s multi-arts Horizon Festival and a cultural program for the 2032 Games.

Mayor Natoli also heralded a $7 million contribution towards the Sunshine Coast Stadium expansion, ahead of the 2032 Games. Early works will start later this year.

The budget contains $5.6 million for the Stringybark Road pedestrian and cyclist bridge at Sippy Downs.

Road/cycleway network projects

  • $25 million to reseal and rehabilitate council’s sealed road network
  • $1.5 million for Commissioners Flat Road, Peachester for road safety
  • $17.5 million to construct the Caloundra Transport Corridor Upgrade
  • $5.8 million to continue construction of Stringybark Road pedestrian and cyclist bridge, Sippy Downs (funded by council and state)
  • $1.9 million to upgrade North Arm Road gravel road to sealed road standard
  • $1.7 million to upgrade Lakewood Drive and Monak Road gravel road to sealed road standard
  • $5.8 million to upgrade the Power Road and Dixon Road, Buderim intersection


  • $1.6 million to upgrade the drainage system at Buderim Street to Coondibah Creek, Battery Hill


  • $3.4 million to finalise placemaking and streetscape works in Eumundi Town Centre
  • $2.9 million to continue work on Maleny Business Centre Streetscape works, Maple Street (funded by council and federal)
  • $3.7 million to begin delivery of the Mooloolaba Foreshore Stage 2 Central Meeting Place Streetscape works (funded by council and federal)

Sport and recreation

  • $18.1 million to continue construction of the Honey Farm Sports and Recreation Precinct
  • $7.4 million to complete upgrade of Kawana Waters Regional Aquatic Centre (funded by council and federal)
  • $1.5 million for rebuild of Caloundra City Churches Soccer Clubhouse and Fields

Community facilities

  • $27.2 million to finalise construction of the new district library and community meeting space at Caloundra
  • $7 million for construction of the Outdoor Stadium Expansion
  • $1.8 million to progress design of Nambour Administration Precinct

Coast, canals and waterways

  • $3.9 million for Moffat Beach Seawall Stabilisation Works (funded by council and state)
  • $3.5 million for Golden Beach Foreshore Upgrade TS Onslow to Nelson Street (funded by council and state)

Environmental tracks, trails and infrastructure

  • $1.2 million for development of Sunshine Coast Nature Base Recreation Precinct at Maroochy River (funded by council, state and federal).

Total rates and charges 

  • Minimum General Rate: $1477 (increase of $70.50)
  • 240l recycling and waste bins: $388 (increase of $28.30)
  • 240k garden organics bin: $38 (increase of $2)
  • Environment Levy: $82 (no increase)
  • Transport Levy: $47 (no increase)
  • Arts and Heritage Levy: $18 (increase of $2)
  • Total rates and charges: $2052.60 (increase of $102.80)

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