Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.
- Read the story: Councillor voices concerns over plans for seawall
I couldn’t agree more with Cr Terry Landsberg.
There are many Mooloolaba businesses that have reservations about the foreshore revitalisation project. There is no doubt that local businesses will suffer financially during the project, which has a construction period of at least 18 months but possibly up to two years. Mooloolaba over the past few years has cemented itself as the premier tourist destination in the Sunshine Coast Council area contributing $1.3 billion per annum to the local economy. The accommodation operators who are the backbone of the destination will suffer the most. Accommodation occupancy results have consistently rated Mooloolaba the highest on the Sunshine Coast.
The impact of the construction of a seawall, which is a tiered concrete stepped wall, will have the most damaging effect. As a business operator on the esplanade I embrace a foreshore revitalisation project that will enhance the retention of the beach and the ambience of a world-class destination. But the works required to build the concrete stepped wall involves heavy machinery, which will have a devastating result on attracting tourists, not to mention the loss of existing beach.
Similar seawall projects have shown a drastic downturn in business during the construction stage and, as Terry Landsberg has said, “some may never recover”. There has been no economic impact assessment done on the effect the construction period will have on Mooloolaba businesses. I would ask any business operator on the Sunshine Coast, how would their trading fare with an 18-month construction site directly in front of their premises?
Mooloolaba beach is currently not suffering any erosion and will not incur any significant damage for years to come.
Brett Thompson, Twin Waters
Mooloolaba and Maroochydore will always get funding and work done first before Caloundra.
It’s been same for the five decades I’ve lived here.
Herbie Allan, Caloundra
The new seawall must proceed.
If we do not do it now it will cost even more later. It will protect small businesses in the long run. Congrats to council for the right decision.
Les, Buderim
The question has to be asked: why interfere with a perfectly sound and secure seawall that has served us well for so long when that money could be better served being spent on more deserving projects?
Update the showers and toilets and put in some new decking, safety fencing, seating and shade shelters out front and we’ll get another 50 years out of it.
Bob Carroll, Maroochydore
- Read the story: Two-thirds of buses running with less than 10 on board
Having just returned from Europe where public transport is widely used, I feel the need to respond to the article on passenger numbers on public transport.
It’s not the cost or the frequency that’s the main problem, it’s the lack of appropriate routes. I live in a street off Bells Esplanade in the ever-growing suburb of Pelican Waters and there is no bus service near my home. I have three teens who all have jobs in and around Caloundra so that’s six car journeys between 7am and 9pm minimum. If you survey the communities what routes and times we want, your numbers will greatly improve.
Heather, Pelican Waters
I read with interest your piece on bus passenger numbers on the Sunshine Coast.
My wife and I recently moved to Mooloolah Valley where we live around 3km from the village. The 649 bus route passes around 100m from my house multiple times a day and I would dearly love to catch it. Unfortunately, it is designated a ‘train replacement service’ and cannot be hailed anywhere en route. No other buses travel the route.
I have asked Translink and our MP why this could not be changed and they have both told me that it is because the service is time sensitive because it links trains. This is surely a self-defeating argument, because in the unlikely event that enough people hailed the service that it used up all of the contingency built into the journey, that’d surely prove there was a need for a hailable bus on the route.
Glen Turner, Mooloolah ValleyÂ
Why does the council continue to endorse and use the massive (and very noisy) full-size buses all day every day?
With these vey low passenger numbers, it is a huge waste of capital expense purchasing or leasing these oversized buses, let alone the extra costs to run them.
It is now almost unbelievable that council has previously pursued light rail and other even larger public transport options to service a market that does not even exist. Maybe in 20 years’ time?
It would appear that for at least the next 10-plus years the council should immediately implement a cost-effective bus capable of carrying a maximum of 20 to 25 passengers.
I have never seen this option suggested, yet it is quite obvious this would provide both a huge cost saving for the council without any drop in the service provided, as well as a much-reduced pollution footprint. All new buses should also be electric powered.
Warwick Heathcote, Alexandra Headland
- Read the story: Dutton announces seven sites for nuclear plants
As a professional engineer in the electricity supply industry before emigrating to Australia, I was involved in the construction and operation of nuclear power stations in the UK.
There are so many reasons for Australia not to go down the nuclear path it beggars belief that politicians are putting this proposal forward.
Hopefully, the almost-religious fervour certain politicians have for nuclear will melt away under the critical analysis of the atomic energy authority and CSIRO.
Meanwhile, citizens may recall the advice “if you don’t know, say no”.
John Malloy, Mooloolaba
- Read the story: Plans for $27m pedestrian bridge over lake revealed
I just think that, in this time of our lives, housing for people would be a better option than a bridge.
You could build a few houses for this money.
John Sullivan, Brisbane
- Read the story: Opposition vows to deliver heavy rail to Maroochydore
Caloundra Labor MP Jason Hunt says the LNP has done nothing to advance rail in the best part of 40 years.
Of course that is correct because, as Mr Hunt should know, the LNP has been in opposition for about 30 of the last 35 years.
Sounds like a massive own goal from Mr Hunt.
Phil Garrad, Beerwah Â
I read with both interest and alarm regarding the LNP’s policy to build a heavy rail link to Maroochydore.
This would be a great step forward for the region and one sorely missed by the Sunshine Coast. However, I also felt alarm that there was no mention of the already and repeated promise to expand the Beerwah to Nambour rail link. As far as I can interpret, this undertaking by federal and state government promise is by no means 100 per cent certain in spite of the attributes of such an ideal transport corridor.
I would be very eager to see a current update of this previous announcement.
James Hoyle, Nambour
A big ‘no’ to heavy rail. All or nothing. A double line from Beerwah to Caloundra and further through Noosa and north to Gympie to connect a loop with the existing north-south heavy rail. But not heavy rail through the real Sunshine Coast.
Please give serious consideration to all other options of transport of current and future technology that is becoming available.
Heavy rail is in the past and most of the Sunshine Coast is residential, not industrial.
The least expensive option is to professionally develop and enlarge the flow of the current road infrastructure to carry the growth – not heavy rail.
Erik Buttars, Mountain CreekÂ
This reminds me yet again how the Queensland LNP treats the Sunshine Coast voters as fools.
This party has had two previous terms and plus in government to achieve having the rail line from Beerwah to Maroochydore completed and nothing was done by them. Now that election time is not far off, yet again a political party is dangling the proverbial carrot in front of the voter. No mention has been made of just how the LNP will fund the rail line to Maroochydore and no year given for its completion.
Just another pie in the sky ‘promise’.
Phillip Adamson, Maroochydore
- Read the story: Mayor pursues state help after airline’s collapse and Hundreds of workers sacked from failed airline
I’m wondering why no other airlines are taking advantage of some of the routes Bonza airlines had.
I was an active flyer from Cairns to the Sunshine Coast on Bonza Airlines as my family live there (my two daughters and four grandchildren). Every time I flew to the Sunshine Coast the flight was full, and on some dates I could not make a reservation. So why can’t Jetstar or Virgin look into taking over a popular route? This will put money in to the Sunshine Coast economy.
Not only that, passengers don’t have that long car trip from Brisbane to the Sunshine Coast return.
Brent Townsend, CairnsÂ
From all reports Bonza had routes that were profitable and well supported by the flying public. These routes included Townsville, Albury, Point Cook and Tullamarine.
The company was put through the wringer by the Civil Aviation Safety Authority prior to any approvals to operate an airline. However, how much scrutiny and due diligence was put into Bonza’s venture capitalist owners? Not enough, I would say.
They had problems servicing their commitments overseas, which flowed onto the Australian operation. And here we are.
Venture capitalists should be made to put up a bond of 20 per cent of their total investment if wishing to operate in Australia. The bond would be returned after five years of successful operation, but if they fold and scurry back overseas, the bond is forfeited to cover local liabilities.
GJ Cee, Mount Coolum
- Read the story: Two-year-old boy bitten by dingo at K’gari
Once again I’m calling for children under 12 years old to be kept off visiting K’gari.
For a relaxed holiday, there are many islands for young families. Hunting is what dingoes do and it’s time for us to respect this, as we do with other wild animals, and keep the temptation of young children out of their instinctive behaviour.
Culling these animals after a misdemeanour is cruel and will cause inbreeding.
Rosie McDonnell
- Read the story: Ex-mayor says events centre ‘desperately needed’
There is only one thing for it: send mayor Natoli on a council-funded world tour of event centres. This is critical in securing a positive events centre legacy for the region.
Tom Fitzpatrick, BuderimÂ
I have been running events on the Sunshine Coast for over 35 years and around Australia for more than 40 years.
I have been in and out of council offices across the Sunshine Coast, before and after amalgamation, pushing for future planning and improvement and nothing much has changed in 35 years.
Council and local MPs will tell you they have more important priorities and they will also tell you they have a plan for Maroochydore Central but I can tell you they have no plan. I can also tell you that despite lots of meetings and the supply of lots of data and reasons why, over three decades that I can attest to, there is still no plan and no tangible future planning around a convention and exhibition facility.
The newly formed body SCEIA is trying hard to facilitate change and I have been talking to them and encouraging them but they need a champion within council and a state member with drive and conviction.
Bob Carroll, Maroochydore
- Read the story: Hinterland grocery store seeks support for growth plan
l totally agree. I go to Cooroy as I cannot purchase everything in Pomona.
I love the variety in Cooroy but would stay in Pomona if expanding goes ahead.
Shirley Land, Pomona
Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency. Preference will be give to letters of 100 words or less.