An upgraded boat ramp featuring two lanes, a floating walkway and an improved car park has opened on one of the region’s busiest waterways.
Work on the $4.2 million revamp of the facility at Outrigger Island, Minyama, on the Mooloolah River, started in September last year and opened this month.
The car park has been redesigned to include space for 32 vehicles with boat trailers.
Sunshine Coast Council Division 4 councillor Joe Natoli said he was pleased with the upgrade.
“You have only got to take a look at the new facilities here and see how it’s improved the amenity and accessibility for all boaties, fishing and water lovers and community groups, including local kayak and canoe clubs,” Cr Natoli said.
“The new boat ramp includes a new two-lane boat ramp, a floating walkway to cast a line or pull the boat alongside and a redesigned and resurfaced car park.

“This is a major improvement from the previous site, which had quite rough terrain and a dirt site for boat trailer parking.
“The upgrade has been designed to take some pressure off the popular Parkyn Parade in Mooloolaba and La Balsa Park in Buddina boat ramps and will now meet community demand for boat-launching facilities over the next 20 years.
“Thank you to our boaties and paddlers for your patience while we delivered this project.”
The council delivered the project with help from the federal government’s 2020-2024 Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program and the state government’s South East Queensland Community Stimulus Program and Maritime Infrastructure Investment Program.

“We’re proud to have helped deliver all the marine elements of the project including the boat ramp and floating walkway,” Queensland Minister for Transport and Main Roads Bart Mellish said.
“The upgraded ramp is a sensational addition to improve recreational boating access for Sunshine Coast boaties.”
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