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Greens candidates on Coast highlight housing, climate and cost of living

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More candidates for the Sunshine Coast in the upcoming state election have been announced.

The Greens are fielding a full slate of candidates across the region, while Queensland Labor has revealed its nominee for the seat of Glass House.

Senator Larissa Waters said the Greens were dedicated to addressing housing shortages, climate concerns and the cost of living.

“We need representatives who will listen to their communities and fight for real change,” she said.

“The Greens are the only party offering solutions like a rent freeze and a massive public housing build to address the housing crisis, and we’re also standing strong on transitioning to 100 per cent renewable energy as quickly as possible.”

The Greens candidates at Cotton Tree.

Candidate for Noosa Rhonda Prescott revealed why she was campaigning.

“I’m standing for the Greens because we are the only party that takes climate change seriously,” she said.

“In Noosa, one of the key issues is the number of residential houses being used for short-term tourist accommodation.

“These homes should be providing housing for families and workers.”

Candidate for Nicklin Sue Etheridge said the cost of living crisis was “unprecedented”.

“The rich are getting richer while more people are struggling,” she said.

“But the Greens have real solutions – taxing the billionaires and big corporations to ensure everyone has access to housing, healthcare and education.”

Candidate for Caloundra Dr Peta Higgins said health was a key topic.

“I’ve worked in the public hospital system for over 30 years and I’m tired of hearing from patients who can’t afford what they need,” she said.

”We need 203 GP clinics, including allied health services, and the Greens are committed to making that happen.”

The Greens candidates are pushing for the removal of shark nets.

Candidate for Ninderry Tom Carden is a support worker and social work student.

“Every day, more Queenslanders are struggling. It’s time we had a government that puts people before billionaires,” he said.

Candidate for Glass House Andrew McLean said “we need to fix housing”.

“We need 100,000 new homes built, and only the Greens are fighting for this,” he said.

Candidate for Maroochydore and biomedicine student Heinrich Koekemoer highlighted his concerns.

“We will fight to take money out of politics so we can focus on the issues that really matter, like capping rent increases and providing renters with rights for lease renewal,” he said.

Meanwhile, Labor has announced that father of four Humphrey Caspersz will contest the seat of Glass House.

Humphrey Caspersz (left) with Police Minister Mark Ryan.

“We are so fortunate raising our families here in the most beautiful part of the world in Glass House,” he said.

“Now I want to be part of a Miles Labor Government to continue to deliver for the Sunshine Coast much-needed services and infrastructure.

“I have seen our community neglected under the LNP so I want to be a strong voice in parliament to fight for what we need and deserve here.”

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