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Photo of the day: beachfront bliss

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Bigger, better, but have new ferries produced desired effect?

Sold as reducing wait times and congestion, a new ferry operation seems yet to live up to those great expectations for users and residents. Users More

Moonlight markets coming to emerging Coast hub

A Sunshine Coast hub is set to become home to regular moonlight markets and other sweet events filled to the brim with entertainment and More

Proposed authority to be ‘one-stop shop’ for waterways

The LNP has committed to creating a Sunshine Coast Waterways Authority to protect and plan for the future of the region’s ecosystems. The Opposition's deputy More

Tale of two whales: beached giants have different fates

A second humpback whale has been found beached north of the Sunshine Coast, but with a notably different outcome. Rangers responded to reports of a More

Vines at water treatment plant to feed winged beauties

Habitat for two of Queensland’s most vulnerable moth and butterfly species is being restored through a partnership between Unitywater and a landcare group. Unitywater and More

Wedding Belles: nerves make way for joyful event

'Whirlwind’ is a word that could be used to describe this wedding day. Having a short five-month engagement and health issues to navigate, Christine Punch More

“Norfolks by the Moffat beachfront,” writes Salita Matthews.

If you have a photo of the day offering, email photo@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. Photos must be horizontal/landscape and may need to be cropped to fit the website.

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