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Appeal lodged to fight refusal of development 'not compatible' with key corner

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A developer will fight to have a proposed multi-storey complex on a key corner approved after a local council refused the project.

In August last year a development application was lodged with Noosa Council on behalf of AJG Property Developments to redevelop a 40-year-old site.

Related story: High-profile ‘key corner’ earmarked for development

The application sought a material change of use for a food and drink outlet, office and six small dwelling units on the corner of Noosa Drive and Bottlebrush Avenue.

The 547sqm Noosa Junction site has been home to countless retail, commercial and hospitality businesses over the past four decades, including popular bars Village Bicycle and Little Sister.

On August 19, Noosa Council issued a decision notice to refuse the application.

The site location at the corner of Bottlebrush Avenue and Noosa Drive, Noosa Heads. Picture: Google Maps.

Earlier this month AJG Property Developments lodged a Notice of Appeal with the Queensland Planning and Environment Court seeking approval for the development.

According to court documentation, Noosa Council’s reason for refusal cited inconsistences with the Major Centre Zone code, which the site falls under, including the proposed building exceeding a height limit.

“The proposed development is four storeys and has an exposed external facade exceeding 12m in height,” the documentation stated.

“The proposed development is of a scale that is not compatible with surrounding development, will present an appearance of bulk and will result in the removal of existing significant trees.

The proposed development at Noosa Junction corner block. Picture: JSTN Architects.

“The proposed development does not satisfactorily incorporate design elements and materials reflective of the local streetscape character of the area, with the building not designed in the Noosa sub-tropical style.”

Noosa Council identifies the site as a key corner under the Noosa Junction Framework and Character Plan and said the proposal “fails to satisfactorily incorporate suitable architectural and landscape treatments to emphasise this corner location”.

The developer believes the proposal complies with the relevant assessment benchmarks “so must be approved”.

“The proposed development adopts a high design quality which incorporates low rise contemporary sub-tropical building and landscape design that emphasises the casual, outdoor lifestyle, and contributes to the establishment of attractive streetscapes to enhance the character of Noosa Heads.”

At this stage no date has been set for the matter to be reviewed.

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