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Mark their words: promise made to provide multimillion-dollar sports precinct

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A high-quality AFL ground and clubhouse could be established in a beachside town.

The LNP has committed $5 million towards building the facilities at Coolum State High School at Coolum Beach, if elected this month.

Future stages could include netball hardcourts and a senior cricket oval.

The funding announcement came ahead of Labor’s $300,000 commitment to improve lighting at the Noosa Tigers’ AFL ground at Noosaville.

The Coolum High project involves AFL Queensland, Coolum State High School and Sunshine Coast Council. The planned playing field and multi-use clubhouse would accommodate the Coolum Beach Breakers junior AFL club.

Member for Ninderry Dan Purdie said there was plenty to look forward to.

“I’ve been working closely with the club for some time now to progress these plans as part of an MoU with Coolum SHS, council, AFL Queensland and Cricket Queensland, and this funding will allow us to deliver the first stage (the field and clubhouse),” he said.

A concept plan of the multi-sport complex. Funding is on the table, from the LNP, for an AFL field and clubhouse. Future works could include netball courts and a cricket oval.

“This is a major step forward that will not only allow the club to continue to grow, but also benefit the school and the wider community.

“Locals have told me we need more and better sports facilities to cater for the growing demand in our community, and that is exactly what we are delivering.”

Breakers president Tyson Smalley welcomed the LNP funding commitment.

“This is exciting news that really tops off a successful year for the club,” he said.

“Not only have our player numbers increased, this year the club has also received national recognition through the AFL, and we’ve secured much-needed funding for new changerooms to better accommodate our female players.”

Coolum State High School P&C president Nicole Sklenars and Coolum Beach Breakers president Tyson Smalley with MP Robert Skelton and a $5 million commitment.

Coolum SHS P&C president Nicole Sklenars said the funding pledge was promising news for students, who would have access to top-class training and playing fields.

The state government has said it is also committed to fostering school and sport opportunities at Coolum and around the Sunshine Coast.

It outlined the millions of dollars it had spent, and will spend, on infrastructure in the region.

The Coolum Beach Breakers under-15 girls team in action against North Shore. Local AFL could be bolsrered by a new facility.

A spokesperson for the Department of Education said it was committed to ensuring students have access to facilities.

“Since 2019-20, the department has invested $33.5 million in building and maintaining education infrastructure at Coolum State High School, including a planned investment of $2.2 million in 2024-25,” they said.

“The department works in close partnership with sporting groups to maximise the use of school facilities under the Community Use of State School Facilities Policy and plans to invest more than $10 million in sports-related projects at state schools within the Sunshine Coast Local Government Area in 2024-25.

“The department has also been involved in ongoing discussions with AFL Queensland
regarding its Breaking New Ground initiative seeking to establish partnerships with schools, the intent being to maximise the utilisation of existing school facilities and ovals, seeking to improve functionality of supporting infrastructure, drive innovation and growth, and develop new facilities in areas most in need.”

The spokesperson said AFL was a popular sport among students.

More than 560 students on the Sunshine Coast, aged 10 to 15, took part in AFL district trials last year.

A Department of Tourism and Sport spokesperson said the department was committed to bolstering local AFL.

“Since 2020, $1.7 million has been approved for the activity of AFL within the Sunshine Coast,” they said.

“This includes $350,000 to the Coolum Beach Junior AFL Club under the Minor Infrastructure and Inclusive Facilities Fund to construct amenities at Coolum State High School.”

Meanwhile, Labor’s $300,000 pledge to Noosa Tigers would see the main field lighting enhanced.

Independent Member for Noosa Sandy Bolton said the club deserved it.

“I’d like to acknowledge the Tigers for playing a pivotal role in assisting young people to get involved in competitive sport, that helps them make new friends, get fit and build their self-esteem,” she said.

The Noosa Tigers will benefit from a lighting upgrade.

“The new upgraded lights will be a game changer for the Tigers and their fans and will help flick the switch on a club that is already a great champion for building and fostering community spirit.”

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