A new childcare centre is on the cards for a Sunshine Coast growth belt.
Nirimba ELC Property One Pty Limited proposes to build a childcare centre with places for 130 children at Nirimba, a suburb of Caloundra South.
An application has been submitted for the centre on a 3200sqm block on the corner of Nirimba Drive and an as-yet unformed road.
A planning report lodged with the application to Economic Development Queensland says the childcare centre would be about 200m south of Nirimba State School and 100m north of Banya Avenue.
“Once the surrounding development is complete, the childcare centre will sit within a community hub, which also comprises a neighbourhood retail centre, a civic park and a neighbourhood recreation park, all opening up onto the Aura Brook,” the report says.
The building will have eight playrooms opening on to an outdoor play area which wraps around to the west, north and east, with carparking on the southern side.

The centre will primarily be on the ground level but with a staff retreat and toilets upstairs.
Designed with a varied form, incorporating projections, recesses and windows, and it would be built of fibre cement, weatherboard and Colorbond.
The centre would have parking for 38 vehicles plus one space for a person with a disability.
At a required rate of one space per five children, plus 20 for staff, the provided parking falls short of the 46 needed.
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The report addresses the shortfall by saying 38 spaces should be sufficient based on modelling at other centres, on-street parking is available, and the centre would be close to residential catchments where customers are likely to walk or cycle.
“Accordingly, the proposed on-site parking provision is considered appropriate,” it says.
The application is awaiting assessment by Economic Development Queensland, which approves development in priority development areas such as Caloundra South.