A development proposal for a central Sunshine Coast site would result in nine townhouses totalling 31 bedrooms being serviced by 16 carparking spaces.
The parking provisions have been described as “compliant” in a planning report put forward for the proposal by Sydney-based 1047 Pty Ltd for 20 and 22 Vaughan Avenue, Maroochydore.
Application documents show the two blocks, which total 1503sqm, each currently have a house on them but are zoned medium density.
A planning report by Murray and Associates says five three-bedroom townhouses and four four-bedroom townhouses with “attractive facades” are proposed.
The report says horizontal patio roofs would be 3.9m rather than the required 6m from the front boundary but they “have no impact on the bulk and scale of the built form” and “enhance the overall articulation of the built form”.
The report says there would be a total of 16 resident carparking spaces, two for visitors, one for a reticulated or service vehicle, one motorcycle space and 13 bicycle spaces.

Landscaping would support and complement the buildings, it says.
“The landscaping theme is attractive, responsive to the architectural design, functional, low maintenance and enhances the comfort and safety of users of the site,” it says.
The report says “the size, scale and density of the units are appropriate in relation to the character of infill development envisaged for the Maroochydore/Kuluin Medium Density Residential Zone”.
It goes on to mention that the density would equate to 90 dwellings per hectare rather than the 30 to 50 dwellings per hectare considered an acceptable outcome in a medium-density zone under the town plan.
“However, sufficient vehicle access, manoeuvring areas and compliant parking has been provided, with sufficient private open space and landscaping able to be accommodated on site,” the report says.
It says the proposal “does not represent an overdevelopment of the site” and “is consistent with the surrounding infill multi-unit developments”, therefore satisfying a performance outcome of the multi-unit residential code.
The application seeks a material change of use for multiple dwellings as well as short-term accommodation, “to provide future owners flexibility in occupation”.
1047 Pty Ltd is directed by John Challita and Clemente Diana, who are among the directors of property development firm Exelero, which lists among its current projects Ribbonwood townhomes on Botanic Drive, Sippy Downs, and Lakeside at Brightwater.