The state government has linked with a housing provider and a community centre to bolster social and affordable housing in two Sunshine Coast towns.
Housing Minister Meaghan Scanlon last week visited a property at Yandina, where builders were constructing a complex of 23 one-bedroom and three two-bedroom apartments.
The government contributed $9.78 million and partnered with community housing provider Coast2Bay to build the complex which, once complete in October, will provide homes for Queenslanders on the social housing register.
The government also contributed funding for a community partnership that secured seven units in Nambour, to provide temporary accommodation for women.
Ms Scanlon said it would be an important step for women who need housing support.
“These units will deliver safe, secure and supported temporary accommodation for women who are experiencing, or at risk of, homelessness, including women who may be on the social housing register,” she said.
“Over the next 18 months, these units and the wraparound services provided by Coast2Bay Housing and the Nambour Community Centre will support these women to transition to the private rental market.”
Member for Nicklin Rob Skelton said securing the units was a “fantastic outcome”.

“For the women who will call these units home, this will be a life-changing project,” he said.
“We know that having access to safe and secure housing and the stability of a place to call home makes a big difference in many aspects of people’s lives.”
Anyone who needs housing assistance can contact their local Housing Service Centre during business hours or call the 24/7 Homeless Hotline on 1800 474 753.
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