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100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

Your say: problem pathways, rec club deal, infrastructure delivery and more

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Main roads closed for long-distance event

There will be changed traffic conditions at many of the region's main thoroughfares this weekend, when 1600 people will compete in a scenic 113km More

Council investigates potential for another holiday park

Sunshine Coast Council is assessing opportunities to create another holiday park. Its 2024-25 budget includes $150,000 for a "new holiday park concept design, Bli Bli". A More

Photo of the day: glowing sky

Fred van Staden captured this sunrise in Little Mountain. If you have a photo of the day offering, email photo@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. Photos must be horizontal/landscape and More

Swim coach sacked for Korea barracking

Swimming Australia have sacked coach Michael Palfrey in the wake of his public barracking for South Korea at the Olympic Games, and has started More

Celebrated restaurant team preparing to open new venue

The opening date for the much-anticipated new restaurant by the team behind Sum Yung Guys has been revealed. A post to social media last week More

Brewed to last: coffee shop reaches milestone

A favourite coffee shop near the beach will turn 10 this weekend after it was nursed through some "tough years". Compound Surf and Drink and More

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

Are there any plans for the Yaroomba to Coolum bike path upgrade?

There has been a huge uptake of electric bikes, with kids and adults, and an outdated  footpath. There are many areas for improvement.

Around the bays at Coolum, the land needs to be stabilised before the road slips into the sea, and when this is done a decent bike path and pedestrian walkway should be installed.

A suspension footbridge would work well here from Second Bay to Third.

With the bike and pedestrian way from Third Bay to Dewar Street, the last time this was done was in the ’80s and ’90s via the work-for-the-dole project. There is a narrow link with a dangerous, concrete stand, dividing the bike bath from the oncoming traffic.

It should not be difficult to fund a project like this as I know all developers have to contribute to the community improvement fund. With the new development going ahead at Yaroomba, the community benefit/upgrades should be on the table.

Mark Hatfull, Yaroomba

I am a local resident who uses the pathway around Munbilla Lake in Mountain Creek.

People here use the path to walk around the lake and access local shops.

There is a corner section (near Munbilla Close) that the council initially agreed to repair. It is old, eroded and very uneven, and is a falls risk.

Council staff have now changed and they are now refusing to do repairs in the next few years.

The council apparently assesses paths periodically but I have a copy of the map that shows they conveniently omitted this section.

I would ask that the person in charge actually has a look at this situation. I doubt that they would be happy with this standard of path in his local area.

Lee Meadows, Mountain Creek

The Optus fiasco has given us a small insight into what our world would be like without cash.

Imagine if the big banks’ systems  decide to malfunction?

Not my idea of a desirable goal. What about you?

Brian Bolton, Twin Waters

I cannot believe what I read about public feedback on SC public transport.

Not a single negative remark about light rail considering it is without doubt the most hated and vocally opposed issue surrounding public transport on the SC.

Are politicians just pretending there was no negative feedback? And are you, SCN, continuing your position as a council mouthpiece?

This is the most one-sided article I’ve read on this issue for months. Start reporting both sides of opinion as you already have a reputation as the mayor’s lapdog.

Brett Tappin, Mooloolaba

What a complete waste of time.

After some 20 years years of discussion we appear to be looking for good reason to do nothing.

Our federal MP Andrew Wallace has declared victory, as have others, with promises of funding and end date for implementation of the direct rail service. More recently, federal funding was removed, so what is left? Just more study with no end in site.

Residents of the Sunshine Coast have in very simple terms been screwed by our politicians. The Queensland and Federal governments seem more interested in talking about the 2032 Olympic Games – what a shame. Not since the Montreal Olympics has any Olympic Games venue made any money, yet we are fool enough to sign up.

The question now is will there ever be a direct rail service, or are we happy with clogged highways?

Peter Dare, Pelican Waters

The selling off of the Ridges Sports Centre was to be expected.

Such development benefits are a good way to entice people to buy in new areas.

Birtinya town centre has long been promised and not delivered. Aura is now housing 8000 people and still has no town centre at Nirimba. North Lakes was sold featuring a beautiful golf course, which has been sold off now that the houses are mostly built and sold.

It is a failure of councillors to ensure a development’s facilities are genuinely part of the development and not just a honey trap for buyers.

Bob Holt, Little Mountain

A detail that is constantly missed in this story is that, yes, as residents of the Ridges Body Corporate area, we were offered to take over the “rec club” (pool, tennis courts and gym), but we were not at any point offered the offices or cafe areas in the deal. These were to be kept by Aveo, with all rental income from these areas going to Aveo.

This meant there was no chance of the principal body corporate of Ridges to be able to make money from the rental of these premises to help with the upkeep of the rec club areas.

Therefore every time there was a maintenance issue, of which the pool pump area is a known problem, the money would come directly from the Ridges residents, which no doubt would mean an increase in our fees.

Once Aveo announced the body corporate deal had fallen through, due to not all body corporates saying yes to the deal, they then offered everything included in the rec club sale.

A bit of a blindside to us the residents, who if offered the same deal would have been more enticed to vote yes to the deal.

Josh Wedd, Peregian Springs

Are these people aware of licence requirements, plus insurance plus registration, to drive people around? What is the Department of Transport doing to keep people safe?

Maria Hegerty

Regarding the news that Marty Hunt is re-contesting the seat of Nicklin at the 2024 state election for the LNP.

Mr Hunt lost the 2020 election for the LNP after 100 years of conservative control entirely because of his own actions or lack thereof. His prior position and experience as a police officer made no difference to the crime scene in Nambour. Since Rob Skelton, a former fireman, has held the seat, Nambour crime statistics have gone down and the town itself has seen a revitalisation and vibrancy return that has been absent for many, many years. The music scene, the small businesses and the health services have all benefited from his behind-the-scenes work.

Mr Hunt represents all that was rejected at the last election and the good smart people of Nicklin will stick with the dedicated quiet achiever they all recognise in Mr Skelton.

Tony Millroy, Mapleton

As a Nambour-born resident who still lives here and supports it after 76 years, I think it is time to find my voice.

As many know, Nambour residents have lost a lot from our once-thriving town. There’s been a big shift of all the things we really need to “the big smoke” at Maroochydore. I never thought I would be saying that.

A lot of us are old now and find it difficult to travel to the big shops. Buying online is not on for a lot of us.

Nambour has many new houses and residents living here now, so why can’t we have our electrical, furniture, leisure and menswear shops back in a new centre to cater for them, or make use of the now-vacant shops near Coles and Priceline.

Laurel Steffens, Highworth

Why would one buy a caravan these days? They are difficult to manoeuvre, expensive to register and almost impossible to insure. Consider the high fuel consumption and spare tyres.

It’s hard enough driving a car on our roads these days with people trying to cut in and sit right behind you. And I hope you’re okay with reverse parking?

Do you sometimes wish you could go somewhere out of the way, but can’t as you are towing a caravan?

We just purchased a brand new mid-size LDV van, then we went and decked it out completely. It has all our bedding, storage, cooking, refrigeration, power, flooring, lighting and a canopy that zips up for security –everything one needs and has in a caravan.

All up it cost let’s call it $40k. All the caravans we looked at were between $80k and $120k.

We can go everywhere … but unfortunately they can’t.

Happy camper.

Lindsay Terrens, Alexandra Headland

Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor at Sunshine Coast News via news@sunshinecoastnews.com.au. You must include your name and suburb for accountability, credibility and transparency.

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