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Feathered friends: how colourful park murals are raising awareness of our special annual visitors

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Two new murals have been completed to help raise awareness of a special group of annual international tourists.

Migratory shorebirds flock to the Sunshine Coast each year, travelling thousands of kilometres to escape winter in the northern hemisphere.

To spread the word on the importance of protecting these birds, Caloundra artist Steven Bordonaro painted a mural at Keith Hill Park on The Esplanade, Bells Creek, which was funded by Sunshine Coast Division 2 Councillor Terry Landsberg.

Sunshine Coast artist David Houghton painted a mural at North Shore Road, Mudjimba, which was funded through the Environment Levy.

Sunshine Coast artist David Houghton painted a mural at North Shore Road.

The murals showcase a mix of migratory shorebirds that call the region home each summer and resident shorebirds residents and tourists can see all-year round.

Environment and Liveability Portfolio Councillor Maria Suarez said the Shorebird Conservation Action Plan guided council’s contribution to the world-wide conservation efforts to protect these amazing birds.

“To better understand which shorebirds and how many of them visit and live on the Sunshine Coast, council undertook surveys last summer, building on long-term data collected by the Queensland Wader Study Group,” she said.

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“The surveys discovered a new high-tide roost and provided a baseline to monitor and compare against in future years.

“This summer, we’ll continue our shorebird monitoring with regular surveys and awareness campaigns to encourage Sunshine Coast locals to share our coast with these fascinating birds.

“Council has also released a shorebird video series via Facebook which highlights the importance of supporting the birds.”

The completed Bells Creek Mural.

Cr Landsberg said the birds were flying in to visit the shores of Pumicestone Passage and Maroochy River after travelling more than 10,000km from Siberia and Alaska.

“While visiting the Sunshine Coast, migratory shorebirds must more than double their body weight to store essential energy for their long journey back and spend most of their time feeding on our local mudflats and sandbanks,” he said.

Division 8 Councillor Jason O’Pray encouraged residents and visitors to share our coast with the shorebirds.

“Any disturbance while feeding or resting can cause them to fly off and waste precious energy,” he said.

“Our waterways in the Pumicestone Passage and Maroochy River are enjoyed by many – and there is space for all of us, including the shorebirds, if we are considerate of other users.”

The North Shore Road mural.

Shorebirds are the world’s most-threatened species of birds. Beachgoers can help to share our coast with the shorebirds by:

  • observing from a distance using binoculars
  • choosing a location away from the birds for your activities
  • keeping dogs under control
  • taking your rubbish home.

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The North Shore Mural includes: Whimbrel (migratory), Great Knot (migratory, critically endangered), Greater Sandplover (migratory, vulnerable), Grey-tailed Tattler (migratory) and Red-capped Plover (resident shorebird).

The Bells Creek Mural includes: Pied Stilt (resident shorebird), Double-banded Plover (migratory), Curlew Sandpiper (migratory, critically endangered), Red-necked Stint (migratory), Australian Pelican (resident waterbird) and Royal Spoonbill (resident waterbird).

Visit the council website and follow the council’s social media for more information including the best locations to view the birds.

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