The local community has a wide interest and many views on topical issues.
When it comes to construction, dredging, and council services, there’s plenty to debate
Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor with your name and suburb at Sunshine Coast News via:
Here’s a collection of the latest opinions our readers had to share:
Orange you glad it’s still standing?
Every time I drive past that hideous orange eyesore at 1 Bulcock, I feel a mixture of sadness and happiness.
Sad for the fact that this once beautiful old building has been defaced with a horrific paint job, but happy for the fact that the building hasn’t yet been demolished.
As a lifelong Caloundra local I’m saddened to see all the construction that is happening to our once sleepy town, but I too understand that progress is inevitable.
What I would love to see is this special building preserved and incorporated into the new design that is planned for the site.
Why not celebrate our history and show it off by making it into a feature?
I’ve seen it executed brilliantly in big cities and I’m sure it could be done tastefully and respectfully here too.
Salita, Moffat Beach
Mooloolah River dredge plan
It is obvious from the recent photo of the Mooloolah River entrance, showing the proposed area to be dredged, that the rock wall on the Pt. Cartwright side ends in shallow water.
Tides and wind cause beach sand to drift north, so that the sand is eventually carried around the end of the wall and is then dropped when it hits the deeper river channel. No amount of dredging will more than temporally change this force of nature.
To overcome this deposition, it seems logical to extend the rock wall out another 100m or more into permanent deep water.
If one googles similar rivers in NSW, their rock walls all extend into deep water, so why doesn`t ours. Such an extension would be expensive, but so too is constant dredging.
Alan Ward, Buderim
Carparking Policing
Why do people park near shops, rail or hospitals etc? Because they’re using or working at those facilities.
The councils should be providing more parks NOT fining people for being there. Wake up!
Jeff and Rita Mapstone, Delaneys Creek
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Carparking question
This is a hypothetical question, what happens in the case whereby a driver returns to his car to check his parking, drives off around the block comes back and finds the spot still vacant?
Scenario 2: the driver returns to his vehicle, finds the spot in front of him vacant, and moves into that?
Can the so-called smart parking allow for that?
Mick Scurr, Windsor
Beach vs hinterland
The Yandina footpath system is incomplete and fragmented because it is only when a development application is made for a change of the use of a property that the Council can require a footpath to be built in front of it.
At the same time the Council collects infrastructure charges from the developer, but it chooses to not spend them where they are collected but where it perceives they are most needed.
That overwhelmingly turns out to be in the beachside suburbs were most people live and where more will benefit.
And yet they keep approving more residential developments around hinterland towns and over-stressing the already inadequate local infrastructure.
The next developer to buy rural Yandina land cheap and sell tiny cookie-cutter blocks dear, would be a lot better received by the community if they volunteered to supply more footpaths than they are obliged to.
Peter Baulch, North Arm
Do you have an opinion to share? Submit a Letter to the Editor with your name and suburb at Sunshine Coast News via: