100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

100% Locally Owned, Independent and Free

Staff allowed to bunk down in hospital during cyclone

A ward at Nambour General Hospital was turned into sleeping quarters for staff who needed to stay overnight during Tropical Cyclone Alfred. The third floor ward is not operational and a Queensland Health spokesperson emphasised that no patients were displaced to provide the emergency staff accommodation. It is understood that most More

Flood clean-up phase brings risk of deadly disease

Scientists have urged Sunshine Coast residents to be wary of a potentially deadly More

Book inspires change for families living with disabilities

A Sunshine Coast mum frustrated by a lack of support for her child More

‘Support to even more people’: cancer charities merge

Two leading charities have joined forces to provide enhanced care and support to More

‘Worse than sewage’: cyclonic sea foam warning

As ex-Tropical Cyclone Alfred whips up sea foam along the coastline, a University More

Aged care facility gets $3.5m renovation and cafe

A two-year, $3.5 million upgrade to an aged care facility has been officially More

Hospice appoints new CEO as it expands services

A community-led palliative care service has welcomed a new chief executive officer to More

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Your stories. Your community. Your Voice.

Scrubbing in: scores of graduates join local health service

More than 100 nursing and midwifery graduates are set to provide care and More

GP service to return to town after two years

The organisation behind a multibillion-dollar energy project west of the Sunshine Coast is More

Hospital reopens with enhanced services after $10m revamp

A private hospital on the Sunshine Coast has reopened after a $10 million More

Jane Stephens: working at making great friends

Children are actively encouraged to make friends. They are pushed together with those close More

Historic study highlights alcohol’s links to disease and death

Australians increase their likelihood of alcohol-related cancer by 12 per cent for every More

Study aims to improve treatment of chronic lung disease

A new study is aiming to more effectively diagnose and treat infections associated More

Health staff take a stand against domestic and family violence

Sunshine Coast Health staff have undergone training to address domestic and family violence. It More

Mosquito menace: virus cases swell on Coast

Mosquitoes are making their mark on the Sunshine Coast, where hundreds of people More

Health facilities turn page with digital records

Sunshine Coast public healthcare services have transitioned to digital medical records. All five of More